🍋Erwin x Reader Pt. 1🍋

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part one will be as sour as a *ahem*  ✨ l e m o n ✨

part two will have a surprise guest :D

this was originally gonna be a fluff then i was like N A H

enjoy :)


[Erwin's PoV]

The mess hall was crowded as usual, cadets grabbing their dinner and sitting down with their friends to discuss random things. I sat down with my usual group, Mike, Levi, (Y/N), and sometimes Hanji. Today it was all of us but (Y/N), sitting together like we were in our Cadet Corps class again. 

Mike contentedly sniffed the air, keeping a "nose-out" for (Y/N). When he suddenly flinched, that's when we knew she as near. Just the thought of those beautiful (E/C) eyes, her (H/L), (H/C) hair gently swaying. She was basically an angel in every way. The daydreams were just enough to get me riled up, thinking about her whimpering as I slide my c-

"Hey everyone." (Y/N) cheerfully greeted us. My breath hitched and I looked up at her, in her angelic state as always. Even the way she stood was very elegant.

"Hiya (Y/N)! What kept ya'?" Hanji asked as (Y/N) took the seat beside me with her plate of food and her cup of water. 

"Eh, paperwork, meetings with cadets, all that good stuff."

"I-I have lots of paperwork as well." I chipped in with a smile, only to get weird looks from the group. (Y/N) let out a small chuckle after sipping her water.

"Well there's one thing we have in common." As she said this, I noticed Mike motion for me to not be stupid. Well she made me stupid, or rather, nervous, in her presence.

[Y/N's PoV]

"I'd like to see you in my office tonight (Y/N). I need to tell you something." Commander Erwin told me. "Preferably at 10pm...or whatever time works for you."

"Sure, 10 is fine." I responded, rather hesitantly. A late night meeting in his office? It sounded so romantic, but I was sure he didn't feel the same way I felt about him. It wouldn't hurt to tell him right? No it would hurt, especially if he rejected me, I scolded myself in my head.

"Okay see you then. Goodnight everyone." Erwin said as he stood up and walked out of the mess hall. Goodnight? It was only 6:30pm. Whatever, maybe he was just tired or something like that. It gave me a chance to talk to the three remaining people at the table.

"00H, 10pm meeting with Commander Eyebrows. I'll be sure to listen through the door so I hear EVERYTHING being 'discussed.'" Hanji teased me with a smirk.

"Stop it, he probably just wants to talk to her about the latest expedition or whatever." Levi interjected before I could reply. 

"He would've talked to the rest of us." Mike added, his tone expressing deep thought.

"Ohh, good point Mike." Hanji and Mike continued to brainstorm possible topics, despite Levi's warnings and my pleads to stop. I just rolled my eyes and began to speed-walk to my office, which had my bedroom in it as well, so I could shower and be ready to meet Erwin tonight.

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