Marco Bodt Catch-Up

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huge round of applause to marco for making it into the oneshot book👏

how he is with you: We all know Marco is a sweet lil baby, and he's a sweetie with you too. He'll try and tickle you a lot while you're just trying to count his freckles.

kind of parent he is: Mr. Marco loves his children unconditionally. Sometimes, he's not always there because he works. But when he is there, he's always spoiling the kids and giving them candy~

sub, dom, or switch?: sub :3

kinks: he doesn't have any (im sorry, i just cant really imagine Marco having kinks ;-;)

what he does when you cant sleep: Marco is surprisingly really good at singing, so if you can't sleep, it takes a cup of water and him softly singing lullabies for you to instantly fall asleep in his arms <3

dating Marco would include:

-you, as a joke, keeping count of his freckles

-Marco bringing you new candy he finds in stores 

-having plenty of pets :3

-hanging out with Jean a LOT

-^secretly wanting a love triangle with Jean

-Marco likes painting too, so that's one common couple activity

aftercare: Marco is like a mix between Erwin and Mikasa when it comes to aftercare. He's very sweet and loving with you, but he tends to get a bit over-concerned as well. He likes to clean you both up so the sheets won't be smelly the next morning.

your relationship song: Apocalypse by Cigarettes After Sex

what you call each other: you call him pumpkin or freckles, he calls you sugar

your first date: an animal shelter and a movie

Halloween costumes: Marco dressed up as a polar bear and you dressed up as an arctic fox (matching, of course, if that makes sense)

when you're sick: At first, Marco will freak out because he doesn't know what's going on with you. It takes you and Armin to reassure him that it'll be okay and that you'll get better within the next few days. Over those next few days, Marco would barely leave your side <3

when he's sad: When Marco is sad, it's more than obvious. He'll just be a lot more dreary and not his usual fun self. If you ask him about it in private, he'll most likely tell you what's going on, and look to you for support and comfort.

late night cuddles: There's nothing Marco loves more than cuddling with you. His go-to cuddling position is with him on his back, and you curling up beside him with your hand in his~

Christmas gifts: Marco bought you a bunch of super cute plushies, you bought him a lot of art supplies, like for watercolors and oil pastel, etc...

what he writes on a valentine's day card: "Happy Valentine's Day sugar! I love you soooo much <3<3"

pets: (oh boy, here we go) A cockatiel named Sweetie, two tree frogs named Sasha and Connie, a Golden Labrador named Lola, a Tabby cat named Winston, and a bearded dragon named Jade

his turn-on: Although he hates to admit it, Marco's turn-on is when you sit on his lap 'innocently.' It may seem to other people that you're just sitting on your boyfriend's lap, but only Marco can feel how you press your bum against his crotch.

video game you play together: Animal Crossing

favorite pixar movie: Snow White

during "that" time of the month: You're actually pretty clingy and need a lot of physical support from Marco. The cramps also get pretty bad, and Marco, being the good boi he is, will stay by your side and help you in any way he can <3

favorite TV show: Blue Bloods (surprisingly)

random things: Marco likes to play the crossword puzzles in the newspaper, and he'll get you to help him with difficult words sometimes. It's sometimes funny watching him get mad over a crossword puzzle.

his love language: physical touch

where he kisses you: Marco loves kissing you anywhere on your face. His go-to is your nose~

what you cosplay as: He dressed up as Winnie the Pooh, and you dressed up as piglet (Marco is super into cute stuff like that!)

devil's lettuce hour: Marco tried smoking weed with Jean once, but he didn't like it at all. He doesn't like the feeling of being high, nor does he like the smell. He kindly asks that you don't smoke it around him <3

when he's drunk (aged up to 21+): This isn't surprising, but Marco hates alcohol too. He's tried it, but it's too strong for his taste. He'll stick with a frozen lemonade~

how romantic he is: Marco is a huge romantic. He loves to leave you cheesy little notes throughout the day and make you food. He even makes a delicious dinner most nights.

vines you both quote daily:

i dOnT nEeD a DeGrEe To Be A cLoThInG hAnGeR 

ah yes, iconic vine

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