Connie Springer Catch-Up

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i might end this book soon, idk :/

how he is with you: Connie's inner sweet side always comes out around you. Of course, he'll still be his sarcastic little self, but he still loves to hold you and make really dramatic kissing noises when he kisses you~

kind of parent he is: Connie is the biggest prankster of a dad there is. It's not just pranking you or the other Scouts either. He will literally prank the kids as a punishment. It's quite amusing.

sub, dom, or switch?: switch

kinks: as a joke, he'd probably have a mommy kink. but his real kinks are degradation, BDSM, and sensory deprivation. (for bdsm, he would be the submissive one~)

dating connie would include:

-always hanging out with sasha, jean, and marco

-you and him sharing food, particularly toast or cheez-its

-^sasha getting slightly jealous of this

-him complaining about certain things for HOURS...

-acting like crackheads while listening to J-Rock (honestly same)

-both of you teaming up to be a tornado of sarcasm

-^always getting in trouble for it too

aftercare: Connie is sort of...well...not good with aftercare. It's usually you taking care of him, no matter who was more dominant that night. But he will still remind you how much he loves you <3

relationship song: X by Poppy (you both will literally scream this song whenever it comes on-)

what you call each other: he calls you boo, you call him Mr. Pringle (not while having sex, ofc, but you know-)

your first date: A children's museum (always fun, am i right? no? ;-;)

Halloween costumes: He went as Dora and you went as Boots (noice)

when you're sick: He tells you not to worry that much about it, but once he sees you get mad at him, his mood changes really quickly. He'll lay down and hold you all day if necessary.

when he's sad: Connie will walk in the room huffing and puffing about some stupid shit as he flops down onto the bed. Then when you ask him what's wrong, he'll give a 2 hour explanation how Sasha and Ymir were teasing him by stealing his food repeatedly.

late night cuddles: He'll have you literally lay on top of him, no matter how much you squish him, he loves it. He will wrap his arms around your waist and just hold you there as well.

Christmas gifts: He got you a bunch of Naruto stickers, you got him 10 packs of edible cookie dough

what he wrote on a Valentine's day card: "I may be sort of bald, but I still love you soooo...happy Valentine's day!!! ;)"

pets: This dude will probably buy you a capuchin monkey if you asked him to

his turn-on: He gets really turned on when you pop off on other people. Especially when you told Reiner off for checking out your ass, Connie really loved seeing you destroy Reiner's will to live (no joke intended there ;])

video games you play together: Skyrim 

favorite pixar movie: Sleeping Beauty (yup)

during "that" time of the month: Connie obviously notices you're a LOT hungrier than usual. In fact, you practically force him to give you his lunch and breakfast. Poor Connie has to train on Monster energy drinks, just because they give him the energy missing from the breakfast you stole.

favorite tv show: Friends or Full House

random things: So have you ever wondered why Connie has a buzzcut? Well, he told you why. When he was 7 years old, his cousin told him blue fire was cold. So, Connie being stupid, held his head up to the blue fire of the stovetop and burned his hair off. And it turns out he burned his hair roots too, so he can never grow hair. Interesting, right? (yes i just made that up)

his love language: gifts

where he kisses you: lips or forehead

what you cosplay as: He dressed up as Deku and you dressed up as Uraraka

the devil's lettuce hour: Just like Reiner, he's a regular weed smoker. Sometimes, you like to sit with him while he gets high off his ass. Sometimes, he'll even invite Sasha over and order food, since he's stoned out of his mind.

when he's drunk (21+): Just like when he's high, Connie gets hungry when he's drunk. If he's at a bar, he'll order a meal to share with you. He lets you get what you want, since any food is good to him.

how romantic he is: Even before you started dating, he made a lot of romantic gestures towards you. In the relationship, he'll make you lunch. Only lunch though, you're on your own for breakfast.

vine you quote daily: 

halfway through i was thinking "damn this dude is more like sasha than connie with all the food lol"

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