💖Mike x Reader "Jealous Much?"💖

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requested by: @RhymeWinchester thank you for the request! :)

lets just say i really want that key chain in the picture but i have no idea where to find it :D


A secret relationship may be great in some ways, but not in others. There's a few downfalls to it. 

For example, your secret relationship with Squad Leader Zacharias was great, on account that Erwin couldn't know, and it was fun sneaking around and meeting each other at night.

But on Valentine's Day, Mike seemed a bit more on-guard with you. 

"Hey Mike look! someone left me a bouquet and chocolates." You happily exclaimed as you stepped onto the front porch. It wasn't from your tall boyfriend, but it was fun pretending it was. As you read the tiny card attached to the flowers, you imagined Mike's name signed at the bottom. 

"Who left it?" His voice was in a lower octave than usual, but you ignored it as you opened the box of chocolates and munched on a chocolate caramel piece. 

"I don't know. It just has a question mark...ooh a secret admirer! Who do you think it is?" In response, Mike only softly growled and walked away. Weird, you thought. It was only meant as a harmless joke. 

[two hours later...]

"Well, it's just a fun day, you know?" You and Hanji were happily chatting outside their lab. In their hands, a little lizard tried to escape, but Hanji wouldn't let it go. Poor lizard.

"Not for me. I think Mike is just a tad bit...jealous." You responded with a sad smile. Hanji raised an eyebrow and cocked their head slightly.

"Well, Mike is a bit...overprotective. You also haven't told anyone. Except me, cause I'm your bestie!! ...right? I'm your bestie, right (Y/N)?"

"Ha, of course you're my bestie Hanji."

"H-Hi." You heard Erwin suddenly standing beside you with one of his hands behind his back. You sweetly smiled and gave him a little wave in response.

"Good afternoon commander. How's life?" 

"Fine, I guess. And you?" Erwin seemed a bit nervous, but why? The fearless commander was blushing slightly while talking to you! What!?

"Peachy!" You spat out with a smile. You glanced over at Mike, who watched out of the corner of his eye. You also saw his upper lip curl up slightly at Erwin before looking back down at his paperwork.

"Well, uh, happy Valentine's Day. Here you go." Erwin cheekily smiled and handed you the dozen of red hibiscus flowers that was behind his back. You smiled and blushed in slight embarrassment, knowing Mike would be jealous as all hell. You gently took the flowers, thanked Erwin, then ran as fast as you could to the bathroom. Hanji saluted Erwin, with the lizard still in hand, and ran after you to go talk about what just happened.

[during dinner...] 

"So uhhh, me and you, under the cherry blossoms, midnight?" Gelgar's sad attempt at asking you out for Valentine's Day was met by an eye roll from both you and Nanaba. All the attention you were receiving was probably pissing off Mike to a point where he would metaphorically explode with anger. 

"I told you, I already have a date..." You replied after swallowing a bite of your bread.

"Well, if you don't tell me who it is, I'll keep asking." Gelgar replied in a snarky tone and crossed his arms. 

"And if you keep asking, my date will probably make you run laps until the end of time." It was too late when you realized what you said. 

"Hoooooly shiiiiit it's Levi isn't it!!" Nanaba said, probably a bit too loud. Levi heard her and walked up to your table with his usual pissed-off look. You silently thanked your lucky stars she didn't guess Mike.

"What's me? You better not be spreading rumors about me you little shits." 

"Only the rumor that you drink bleach to get drunk. But I didn't start that one captain." 

"Tch." With that, he walked away grumpily. But both you and Nanaba knew Levi had special feelings for you.

"(Y/N)." Mike's low voice was behind you at once, gripping your hand tightly. 

"Yeah?" You asked suspiciously. Nanaba and Gelgar glanced at each other, finally realizing. Your date wasn't the cleaning-obsessed Captain Levi. It was the tall sniffing Mike Zacharias.

"Come with me pup." 

"Oh, um, okay." You stood and let Mike lead you up to the front of the mess hall. As you walked by tables, everyone sitting at them stared and fell silent when they saw your hand looking tiny compared to Mike's large hand. When you both finally reached the front, he cleared his throat rather loudly to get everybody's attention. They all knew to look up immediately so they could hear what their superior had to say about you.

"Alright," Mike held up your hand and glared angrily at everybody, "this is (Y/N)! We all know who they are right?! Of course we do!" The furiousness in his voice was evident to every person in the room. "Now, who's hand is in MY hand?! That's right bitches! They're mine!" With those words, everybody gasped. No one had ever heard Mike swear before, so this was a first.

"Yeah, hear it and weep motherfuckers! I'm sick and tired of everybody hitting on (Y/N)!! And if you have a problem, you can just..." Frantically, Mike stuttered as he tried to think of a nice insult, but eventually he just gave in to the classic, "Just go fuck yourselves if you got a problem!!" 

"Yeah, uh, what he said?! Maybe not the go fuck yourself part though..." You tried to sound just as cool as Mike did. Instead, he picked you up and crashed his lips into yours, right in front of everyone, just to prove that you two were dating. After pulling away, you wrapped one of your arms around his shoulders and stuck your middle finger up to the room as he carried you away.

[10 minutes later...]

Once outside, Mike put you down and smiled down at you.

"So, now what? It'd be awkward to go back..." You said after a few seconds of silence. He thought for a moment. You both could go back, and endure a lecture from Erwin. 

"Let's go somewhere." He finally announced and started making his way over to the horse stables.

"Ooh, where we going?" You inquired as you jogged up beside him and held onto his arm. 

"Wherever life leads us. Well, until we have to come back here and face Erwin..." You chuckled. Nothing sounded better than a vacation with your newly announced boyfriend. This was sure going to be a 'crazy' vacation.


did that oneshot suck, cause i feel like it did. idk why :/

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