🧡Erwin x Reader "Marry me?"🧡

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based on the final episode of stranger things s2, but i changed the song to the one above because i don't want it to be exactly the same lol

this is a modern au btw hehe

 enjoy! :D


{3rd Person PoV}

Hanji helped (Y/N) into the back seat of Mike and Nanaba's car, trying not to rumple her (F/C) knee-length dress. Hanji, instead of a dress, wore a cute blue tuxedo. Nanaba wore a long, red, slim-fit dress with a slit on the left thigh, and her fiance Mike wore a simple black tuxedo. (A/N: btw, if you wanna wear a tux in this scenario, thats fine :])

"Ah this is going to be wonderful!" Hanji exclaimed after she climbed in beside (Y/N). In all honesty, (Y/N) didn't really want to go, for she hated being in crowds of large people. Even though Erwin would be there, it was still a large amount of people. But Hanji dragged her along anyways.

As the group made their way to the events hall, which was only about 15 minutes from Hanji's house, Nanaba and Hanji did some karaoke to Backstreet Boys. It was actually silly seeing both the girls playing around and having fun.

"Here we are!" Nanaba cheerfully said to everybody. Mike smiled at her and parked the SUV, then stepped out into the breezy August night. Already, the delicious scent of various foods, including candy apples, cotton candy, and hot dogs filled the air. It was indeed going to be a fancy night, now that the world was finally free of the Titans. This was their time to celebrate!

{Y/N's PoV}

A queasy feeling came to my stomach, I didn't want to be here at all. There were so many people, and I felt as if all eyes were on me for some reason. Even the hallways were packed with military officers, Scouts, and some of the Garrison Regiment, even some civilians. Once we got to the door of the main area, I pulled back, forcing my hand out of Hanji's, who turned around when they noticed. Nanaba and Mike came over to me as well as Hanji. 

"What's wrong?" Hanji asked me as they rubbed my shoulder soothingly. 

"I-I can't. I don't want to be here. I want to go back home." I quickly explained. Nanaba smiled and offered me a taste of her red snow cone she must've just bought. I reluctantly licked it a little bit. It tasted like...cherry.

"C'mon (Y/N), it'll be fun! Plus Erwin is here, you can just stay by him the whole time." Hanji pleaded me in a begging tone. Hesitantly, I agreed and continued following them to the main area, where there was a section in the middle as a dance floor. There were spotlights moving around in sync to create cool lighting effects. The song was "25 or 6 to 4" by Chicago, it played at a consistent volume, while some people swayed to it on the sidelines, others were going all out on the dance floor. I looked over to see two familiar faces...having a dance battle? Well, that was always Jean and Eren, wanting to prove to the other that they're superior no matter what. Armin, Mikasa, Annie and Bertholdt cheered for Eren, while Connie, Sasha, Reiner, and Marco rooted for Jean. 

{Erwin's PoV}

I looked around the large room, still no sign of the others. Was (Y/N) even coming? I certainly hope she was, I had something planned. Although I suppose I wouldn't have to go with that plan, but it'd go a lot smoother. Nervously, my fingers fiddled around with the blue velvet ring case in my back pocket. I had just bought it this afternoon, it wasn't too fancy. It was a silver band with a jade and two diamonds embedded into it. 

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