🖤Marco x Marleyan!Reader🖤

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The rooms of the Cadet Corps barracks were filled with the loudest noise of all: silence. Everyone laid in their bunks, sleeping peacefully, probably dreaming of the outside world, their futures, their families, whatever. Besides, our graduation night was coming up in a few weeks. There was quite a bit to be excited about. 

But me and my "friend" group had different plans.

It's not like I wanted to go through with Reiner's plan. My secret was like dynamite, while Reiner was like a stupid kid who holds lighters up to flammable things. In this case, one wrong move on either of our parts would set off a series of fireworks. Here, Marley, everywhere. But if they find it was us who caused it, our punishment wouldn't be half as bad as our return home. 

Back home in Marley, traitors aren't killed right away. They stay out in public for two months, so they can be humiliated first to see what they did was wrong. Then the government comes along and takes care of the situation.

"(Y/N)?" A soft, familiar voice interrupted my contemplations of the future. I shifted my eyes over to the door. Standing there, I saw half of Marco's body peeking into the doorway. I chuckled and sat up fully.

"What's up Marco?" I whispered, as to not wake the sleeping girl above me, Sasha. She snored rather loud, but it was sometimes calming.

"I, um, can't sleep." He said a little louder, also a bit cautious to Sasha. I climbed off of my bed and came over to him, avoiding the spots on the floor where it creaked. He smiled when I shut the door behind me.

"Do you...want to take a walk? You know, I can't really sleep either." I suggested with a cheeky smile. He nodded and silently followed me out of the barracks. The commandants had just passed by our building, so they were nowhere to be found.

After about 10 minutes, Marco and I reached the lake, where the moon shone down and made it seem like a forgotten memory. Down at the river bank, the frogs quietly croaked and hopped along. But all I could see was Marco's awe-struck gaze at the water. Every time we came down here, he was always amazed by the scenery, he is so precious and innocent.

"It's so pretty every time we come here, isn't it (Y/N)? The way the moon reflects on the water, the nighttime creatures, everything about it!" He exclaimed sweetly. I giggled a bit and nodded, still gazing at his perfect brown eyes.

"Yeah, it's beautiful. My village is about a mile and a half that way." I pointed in a southeastern direction, towards the mountains. Exactly where I lied about living along with Reiner and Bertholdt.

"I-I know it's not much, but..." Marco paused to dig in his pocket, then pulled a granola bar out, "Are you hungry by any chance?" I smiled, but shook my head, so instead of eating it himself, he shoved it back in his pocket, half of the wrapper hanging out. 

As I stared at the granola bar, I began pondering about my secret. If Marco found out, what would he say? He would probably snitch me out to the Military Police. I would lose my best friend as well as my life.

"(Y/N), are you okay?" He asked when he saw my spaced-out expression. I blinked a few times and turned to him sadly. He scanned my face, unsure of what to say next.

"Marco, if I tell you this, you have to promise to not tell anybody. It's shocking, and you probably won't want to be my best friend anymore." I finally told him. His eyes widened slightly, but he was silent. After a moment, he smiled gently, turned his body towards me, and laid a hand on my shoulder.

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