☁️Jean x Reader "Go Fish"☁️

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welp i suggested this idea and multiple people said yes, and i must feed the readers, so here you go :D. i wanted to make this fluff a bit more gender neutral, so i will be using they/them :)

i wrote this while listening to an erwin audio heheheh :>


{3rd Person PoV}

Jean entered his room to see his pretty partner, Y/N, laying on the bed with a deck of cards. Sitting next to them was Marco, who smiled up when he saw his best friend walk into the room. He dumped his bag on the floor and jumped onto the bed, causing the cards to fly into the air and Y/N slightly launched into the air.

"Jean! Our game!" Marco exclaimed as he pouted. Y/N just rolled their eyes with a smile and started to gather the cards while Jean laughed pridefully.

"Sorry about that Freckles!" he snorted as Marco smiled in forgiveness. Once Y/N had rounded up all the cards, they handed them back to Marco. They reached up and fell into Jean's chest, wrapping him in a tight hug. He leaned down and planted a light kiss on their lips. They happily returned it with a smirk. 

"Wanna play Go Fish with me and Marco?" Y/N asked, Jean promptly agreed. Marco sat across from Jean, Y/N sat against the wall since the bed was in the corner. After getting comfortable, Marco dealt the cards and placed the extras in the middle of the group. 

"Y/N you can go first if you want." Marco smiled at them. 

"Alrighty, Jean, do you have a seven?" Y/N asked their tall boyfriend, who sighed and threw his card down.

"How did you know? You must have seen my cards!" Jean angrily exclaimed before crossing his arms. Y/N only laughed and put both sevens in a neat stack. They turned to Marco, who sweetly smiled.

"Marco, do you have a two?" they asked cheerfully. Marco smirked and shook his head, pointing to the pile. Y/N pouted and grabbed a card from the pile. Jean smiled pridefully at Marco.

"I know you gotta nine Marco, do you mind if I borrow it?" he questioned with a cheesy smile. The freckled boy laughed and shook his head again. Jean's smile quickly disappeared from his horse-like face as he picked up a card carelessly, mumbling things under his breath.

After a few more minutes, the game ended, with Jean winning surprisingly. He smiled proudly and pulled Y/N into his left arm, and Marco into his right.

"Yeah yeah, isn't it nice to have a cool guy like me around? I mean I win games, I'm handsome as hell-"

"You have a horse face, you get into fights..." Y/N sarcastically interrupted with a goofy smirk.

"Y/N's right Jean, you kinda do have a horse face." Marco innocently smirked as he leaned into Jean's lap. Y/N leaned onto Jean's thigh and smiled up at him.

"Well I'M in the top ten, and where do YOU rank Marco? What about you Y/N?" Jean said proudly, with another cheesy smile. Y/N and Marco exchanged glances that said "sure buddy."

"I'm in the 7th spot and Y/N is in the 8th spot." Marco m̶o̶a̶n̶e̶d̶ said to Jean.

"Yeah well I'M in the 6th spot so ha!" Y/N just rolled their eyes and punched Jean's shoulder playfully. Jean responded by smirking and putting Y/N in a frisky headlock against his side. Marco took Jean's other arm and wrapped it around his own neck loosely.

"I'm just joking guys. You both are some of the best cadets." he smiled as he hugged them. Y/N knew it was just a little soft act that he usually played, but happily went along with it. 

"Well Jean we still love you despite the fact that you're a proud horse-faced asshole." Y/N said as they wrapped their arms around Jean's waist. Jean smiled, leaned down, and planted a kiss on their forehead, then one on Marco's forehead. Marco secretly wanted a three-way with Jean and Y/N, but he knew they probably didn't want the same.

Little did he know, Jean and Y/N wanted the same.


sorry that was so short :/ (thats what tf she said)

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