53 - Hunted. Part II

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Cedric Diggory is dead.

Cheering and solidarity erupted in the stadium that night as Harry Potter and Cedric Diggory are seen hitting the ground with the Triwizard Cup in all their glory. Fanfares and glee drowned out the excruciating pain that the infamous Harry Potter screamed out. Tears had stained his face, blood and mud too. His arms wrapped around Cedric; everybody could see but nobody really knew.

It wasn't until Albus Dumbledore had raced towards the two young boys to discover the horror that had uncovered. As the Headmaster and Minister of Magic started to cause quite a commotion; the noise soon died down.

Severus stood tall, his spine tingling as he watched Albus crouch over Harry in which he saw the state of him. Beads of sweat trickled over his forehead, the sleeve on his arm was covered in thick blood and he was crying; horrendously.

"What..?" Minerva had whispered to herself, practically forcing her way past Severus who soon manged to moved his feet, needing to get a closer look.

It was then that Cornels Fudge came racing forward, urging everyone to stay in their seat until his attention turned to the two Professors, announcing that a boy had been killed.

Severus, in an instant, lurched forwards to see what had happened. Harry sobbed over Cedric's body; his eyes still wide. Instinctively, he pulled his cloak away from his body and covered it over the boy's body; knowing it was not a sight for any students to see. Severus hadn't even seen or heard the cries of Amos Diggory, Cedric's father, as he was too invested in what Harry was crying about to Albus.

'He's back! He's back! Voldemort's back!'

Severus felt the uncomfortable pain of the Dark Mark on his arm, moving under his skin as if something was aching to burst out. He had obviously known, as did Albus, that the Dark Lord was becoming stronger. He however did not fathom that Harry would be the one to see him first and alas survive whatever it was that had happened.

Severus stood back, his head hanging low as he gave room for Amos to mourn his son until his eyes had travelled towards where Harry once was, only to see him being consoled and dragged away by Alastor Moody.

Minerva stood by his side, glancing around at all the students who were either crying or silenced in pure shock at what had happened. "What do we do, Severus?" Minerva turned to face him, keeping her voice low to prevent any insensitivity whilst Amos cradled his boy.

"We should escort the students out of here quickly and quietly. We need to be careful too, if what Harry is saying is true... anyone could be out there." Severus warned her sternly, casting a glance around at the sea of students. "Probably best not to send them to the castle just in case. They should head towards the lake. Set up some safe protection in the meantime also."

"Okay," Minerva muttered with a shudder, "I'll go inform the staff on what to do." Minerva had diverted, gently placing a hand on Professor Flitwick's shoulder and bending down slightly to whisper what is to be done.

Severus informed some professors to his left, allowing Professor Sinistra to escort his Slytherin House down to the lake, sensing that Albus will probably need him after the events that had unfolded.

Severus had then turned to his right, seeing all the Hufflepuff students weeping for their beloved champion. His eyebrows then squinted. Hadn't he just told Kalina what to do?

He turned around in circles, looking for her but she was nowhere to be seen. Infact, as he started to recall, he hadn't seen her for about an hour or possibly even longer.

His stomach started to churn uncomfortably but he pushed it to the side as he swiftly and quickly ordered the students to divert their attention elsewhere for the time being. They all seemed reluctant but as Severus said 'now!' in a very stern tone, they had dragged their feet down the steps and out of the stadium one by one.

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