4 - An Act of Kindness for Beginners

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After breakfast, Kalina made her way back to her chambers, quickly preparing herself for her first subject of the day which was Herbology with the Sixth Year students. Luckily, she will also be teaming up with Professor Sprout that Monday.

Her timetable wasn't all bad for when she does teach, having Tuesday and Friday mornings free and then teaching the rest of the days. The school day starts at 0900 hours and ends at 1500 hours so it wasn't too bad. It also gave the students enough time to relax and do their homework and extra reading in the evening time.

As she glanced at her timetable for Potions, she was surprisingly glad to only be involved in seven lessons a week; once on the Monday, twice on Tuesday, twice on Wednesday, and once on the Thursday and then once again on the Friday.

It was a hefty schedule but nothing she couldn't do. At Beauxbatons her timetable was a lot worse as it was a much stricter school but nonetheless, she made it work with the time she had.

She made her way to the large Greenhouses' where Herbology was taught, grabbing everything she needed.

She could hear the students already inside, getting ready for their morning session with Professor Oakblood. She sucked in a deep breath before she made her way in, calming her nerves.

"Good morning class." She said with a spring in her step upon entering the room, the room of students chatter dying down. She knew that the best way for students to like you is to have a positive attitude, not be afraid to answer their questions even if they are off topic, be respectful, don't put stress on them and defiantly don't judge them. "I'm Professor Oakblood and I'll be teaching alongside Herbology this year." She smiled at the older students who were aged around sixteen as they welcomed her by saying 'Good Morning Professor Oakblood'.

"Before we start, I'd like to go through some rules with you." She began, placing her hands flat on the head table as they all stood down either side of the patch of plants, waiting patiently for her to continue.

"Do not call out, is rule number one. It's annoying and I won't take your answer until you put your hand up." She starts off, eyeing up the students. "Secondly, when I am talking, you do not speak."

She began listing off some other rules, most being very basic such as no throwing, no arguing, being respectful to other students and to herself; very simple and clear. She'll have to reiterate this with the other students but she didn't mind.

"Now, shall we get started?" She grinned, rubbing her hands together excitedly.

The students look encouraged, at ease with her personality and therefore weren't cautious with how to approach her; she seemed carefree to them and relaxed so they knew they wouldn't get in trouble for breathing.

"As Sixth year students, you's will be ready to tackle more dangerous plants than the common Mandrake so..." She turns around in her spot, a small crate was propped up on one of the work benches. She slid on her Dragon-hide gloves and teacher her hand inside, grabbing the brim of the plant pot and setting it down on the table. "Can anyone tell me what this plant is?"

The students looked to eachother until a boy from Hufflepuff raised his hand, a meek look on his face.

"Yes?" She asked him noticing it was just his hand that went up.

"Snargaluff?" He states more like a question, slight uncertainty in his answer.

"It is! Five points to Hufflepuff." She beamed, causing the boy to relax his shoulders and smile to his friends who gave him an approving nod and a pat on the back. "Today we're going to extract the pods from within. I trust you all have your Flesh-Eating Tree of the World book?"

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