48 - Rita Skeeter

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When Kalina woke up the next morning, she hadn't even realised that she had fallen asleep next to Severus once their passionate yet heated kiss had moved them towards his bed.

She woke with a sickly feeling in her stomach; not the kind of sickness where she would throw up but the sickness where she believed something bad was going to happen. She lay there for a few moments, staring up at the canopy above her and listened to the faint snores of Severus beside her. She stole a glance and smiled faintly as one arm was hooked underneath his pillow, the other arm draped over his ribcage as he slept on his side. Strands of his raven coloured hair draped over his face which blew slightly as he breathed.

Glancing back upwards, she sighed quietly to herself and knew she would have to eventually be out of his presence and get ready for another day of teaching.

As she sat up, she felt Severus shift behind her and a tired yawn left his mouth followed by a small groan as he stretched out. Severus rubbed his eyes and saw that the woman who he could now class as his 'girlfriend' sat with her nude back to him and his silk fabric sheets covering her front.

Kalina hummed in content when she felt Severus scratch his nails along her back gently in circular motions, something he had learned fairly quickly that she enjoyed.

"Morning." He mumbled, still half asleep as his head fell back onto the pillow and his eyes fell shut.

"Hi." She whispered, not want to be obnoxiously loud in the mornings especially as she has only just woken up herself. They stayed like that for a minute with Kalina enjoying her morning back scratch whilst Severus stayed laying down, allowing his body to slowly start to function again.

Eventually, Kalina had gotten up out of bed and slipped on the clothes she was wearing the night before on before she quickly makes way to her chambers before the Slytherin students start to walk out of their dormitories for breakfast.

Severus got up to and pulled on some clothes too which wasn't his work wear and walked her to the door.

"I'll see you at breakfast." He informed her, reaching out to the door to open it for her.

"Indeed you shall." She smirked up at him, her hair was still the same as she woke up, messy, and she had watery eyes from yawning too much.

Severus had leaned down to kiss her but Kalina had ducked out of the way and stuck up her hand, signalling for him to stop. He pulled back quickly, seeming confused and somewhat hurt that she didn't want to kiss him.


"Morning breath. It'll do us both a favour." She quipped, clearly not meaning offence but she wasn't one to kiss someone after just waking up. She needed to brush her teeth at least.

"Fair enough. See you soon." He stood up straight and opened the door for her.

She brushed past him, gently caressing his arm in the process before she made her way down the hallway back towards her chambers with a quick pace.

After she got ready by freshening up and putting on new clothes, brushing her hair and applying a thin layer of make-up, she was ready to face the day ahead and she had a breakfast sandwich platter calling her name that morning.

She left her chambers, smiling softly to herself as she noticed Severus in front of her, equipped with his large black cloak that was billowing behind him as he walked. However, her smile faltered abruptly as she turned a corner as a pair of bright eyes and a set of tacky coloured lips appeared in front of her face.

Stood in front of her was Rita Skeeter, a writer for the Daily Prophet and an awful one at that. Kalina had done her upmost to avoid the filth she has written about Hogwarts in the Wizarding news and especially tried to avoid her. However, there she stood with her floating quill dancing in the air around her.

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