10 - Tension in the Classroom

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The weekend had been drawn out for Kalina's liking. She spent most of it in her quarters, having to avoid Lockhart at all times to prevent him from calling her a liar about going on a date with him. Not only was she avoiding him, she was avoiding Snape too.

After what had happened, cleaning up the mess of the floor of her scattered paperwork and broken glass of her photo frame, she had a long time to rethink.

Was it her who was in the wrong? Was she being too sensitive about the topic? It had been years since her daughter and daughters father died so she should feel like she could open up and allow people into her life but not Severus.

She wasn't a seer like Trelawny but she could feel the radiation of bad energy from that man. There was a reason why students would recoil away from him and that was because he was terrifying. Not once did he shout in his lessons, he would simply scold them with his low and deep voice, insulting them. But, he had raised his voice at her. She wasn't sure why he was so interested in her life and why he didn't trust her... maybe he sensed something bad about her too.

She wasn't a bad person, not at all. She had no hidden agenda and was just a nice woman. She did have a feisty side and could hold her own but what person couldn't do that?

That Monday however, she woke up and struggled to get out of bed. She had burrowed herself into the warm, soft fabric of her ruby red bedsheets. The golden sun was shining in through the cracked window, soft tweeting of songbirds singing on a small hedge outside her window. She rolled over so she was on her back, her hands moving to her eyes and rubbed the remainder of sleep from her eyes, arching her back as she stretched out all four of her limbs, letting out a small groan.

She flopped back down, bouncing against the mattress and closed her eyes again for a few more minutes, thinking of the dream she had. She had found that waking up from dreaming of loved ones was harsh, especially if the dreams are far better than the reality she was living in. Although dreams often fades, her memories won't. If she did forget, her heart would be heavy and she would have to deal with the lonely feeling of detachment. She often tried not to think about her daughter, knowing that it only pains the heart. When she did look at the photo that sadly no longer remains, she only thought of the happy memories she had with her like that one; a photo of them both at a park and just enjoying the winter breeze. She remembered that day vividly.

She pulled herself out of bed eventually, prodding towards her bathroom and freshening up for breakfast and the Monday ahead of her. She hated Mondays and not because of her timetable either, she was just sad that the weekend was over even if she was up to her neck in marking students work and preparing classes ahead.

Showering up and waving her wand in the air, instantly drying her brown locks. She pinned it up precisely and slid on her pants and open-front skirt. Pulling out a purple blouse with long sleeves, she pulled that on as well and made her way down to the Great Hall.

When she was passing through the hallways, she stopped when she heard some high-pitched giggling and whooshing noises when she came across the Potions classroom.

She furrowed her brows and pushed the door open slightly, watching two tall ginger-haired boys pointing the wands at different furniture in the room.

She pushed the door open some more, a creaking sound causing the boys to turn around, their bodies freezing like a deer caught in headlights.

"What's going on?" Kalina questioned, taking a slow step into the classroom she was having the joy of, noting the sarcasm, coming in later for.

The two students she of course recognised as the cheeky Weasley twins, Fred and George, both looked to each other, a panicked look on their faces as the Potions assistant and Herbology Professor caught them in the act of doing something mischievous.

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