52 - Trembling

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The tension between Kalina and Severus was thick over the next couple of days that soon turned into weeks. They did converse but the conversation was cold and uninterested on both parts. Kalina was still undoubtedly upset with Severus but as was he with her. Of course, he felt bad about hiding the secret meetings from her but he did it for her own good. What he shouldn't have done however, which he wouldn't admit to, was to belittle her the way he did.

Any moment, Severus was expecting Kalina to burst into his chambers one day and throw back the necklace he had gifted her on Christmas Eve in his face but she hadn't. Instead, he had noticed that she carried on wearing it despite everything.

It was a Thursday afternoon and a few days away from the final Triwizard Tournament but in the meantime, Hogwarts was excited for another up and coming event which was Slytherin versus Ravenclaw in Quidditch. Despite her dull mood recently and the fact that Barty Crouch Senior was not found at all, Kalina has been looking forward to seeing a Quidditch game again. It had been a long while since she had and was rather eager to get down to the Quidditch grounds even if the weather was slightly temperamental but so was her mood.

She pulled on her red cloak over her blouse and black slicked pencil skirt and locked the door to Greenhouse A just as students were heading down to the grounds. She did receive some soft smiles from students, especially those trying to get back into her good books after she fired detentions more so than usual whenever Severus or her own name were mentioned within class. Obviously, Severus and Kalina were not going to tell the students about their relationship so they can live in wonder for the rest of their time at Hogwarts about what was and was not true. The only person she had told who happened to be a student was was Neville and he is yet to talk to her properly instead of mumbling a faint 'hi' to her in the hallways.

She walked down the long path, careful not to stumble over the raised and wobbly ground, giving Professor Vector a small wave as she too passed by.

The Quidditch stadium was filled with excited chatter and was more cramped than usual as the students from both Beauxbatons and Durmstrang had joined the occasion to see who would win the match. Kalina stopped however as she saw a wave coming from the entrance to one of the large stands where the staff sat during the games and Kalina could only laugh when Minerva pushed Albus away when she saw Kalina coming towards them.

"Oh Professor!" Minerva smiled warmly to the point that Kalina thought Minerva would embrace her in a hug but she didn't. Instead, she stopped and sighed happily. "I'm glad you're here, Professor Trelawny tried to get me to sit beside her and Professor Binns and you know what they're like." Minerva said with a roll of her eyes.

"Positively boring?" Kalina whispered, seeing Professor Trelawny enter their proximity before disappearing up the stairs to the Slytherin stands unaware that Kalina and Minerva were just stood outside a different one a few feet away.

"That's one word for it." Minnie smirked and the placed a hand on Kalina's shoulder. "Come, we'll try find a seat beside Severus if he is up there."

Kalina should have chosen her route more carefully as she didn't even notice that the stands they were about to enter was covered in Slytherin colours. She really couldn't sit through a whole game with Severus close by.

"Oh that's alright I'm going-." Kalina rushed in a panic but it was Severus' voice coming from behind her that made her hush up quickly.

"Did you say my name, Minerva?"

Minerva looked over Kalina's shoulders and smiled wryly as Severus stood beside his partner but as Minerva's gaze flicked between Severus and Kalina, noticing a very uninterested look on at least one of their faces, Minerva's smile turned very forced and awkward. "Yes I was just... oh I must have forgotten. Me and my brain." Minerva had no idea what to say as she watched Kalina shift in her spot uncomfortably, pulling on the hem of her cloak.

Spiteful Beginnings // Severus Snape x OCWhere stories live. Discover now