9 - Bottle

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"How long until the draught is complete?"

Kalina flinched as a quiet voice is spoken behind her causing her to turn, trowel in her grasp and a mandrake in the other.

Albus chuckled at her reaction, seeing her wide-eyed from the fright he had given her accidentally. "My apologies." He smiled, walking past the plants and herbs within the greenhouse, his finger lightly grazing over the delicate leaves before standing next to her.

She was working on a potion, adding the phoenix tears to the brew which she acquired the other day from Professor Snape's office. The draught itself was easy to do but it was along winded procedure and extra care had to be taken.

"It'll still take weeks I'm afraid... The mandrakes, they're still so young to provide what we need." She frowned a little, knowing that Mrs Norris and the young boy, Colin Creevey, would still be in the hospital wing for a while. Well, Mrs Norris wasn't as Mr Filch made sure that he looked after her for the time being.

Dumbledore nodded, understanding the predicament. "I see. It's getting late Professor; shouldn't you rest up? I'm sure Professor Sprout will take over in the morning."

Kalina looked to the ceiling, not even noticing that the sky had darkened and only the dim lamps inside the greenhouse was keeping the place lit.

"Must have lost track of time." She chuckled lightly, sliding off her gloves and placing them on a workbench.

"I'll walk with you." Dumbledore stated, sticking out his arm to allow her to pass by him. She did and the pair walked up towards the castle. Seeing as there were lots of Greenhouses on the grounds, it was quite a journey back to the castle but Dumbledore had noticed one of them was casting alight from his office and wanted to find out the source. When he noticed Kalina, she was humming softly to herself as she was mixing elements together, taking notes and whatnot.

"Professor Dumbledore, I still can't thank you enough for giving me a job at Hogwarts, even if it is for a short while." She told the ageing man, his long white beard almost hitting his knees. His eyes glistened in joy, glad that she was happy with the position she was given even in complicated circumstances.

"That is quite alright. It must have been a shock to quit teaching at Beauxbatons after your tragic event?"

Kalina sighed softly but agreed with the Headmaster. "It was. Knocked me off my feet for a long time. I was glad that we found one another in Hogsmeade." She looked over to him, her hands tucked behind her back as they walked down a long path that lead back up to the castle.

"You looked troublesome," he states casting his gaze to the young woman beside him, "when you didn't move from your spot in the corner of that bar for eight hours, I just had to speak to you and wonder what the matter was. The words you spoke still chill me to the day."

Kalina's eyes became misty, tears trying to push their way out of her tear ducts but she didn't let them shed.

"Losing my daughter was the worst day of my life.... Her father too."

Dumbledore stopped which caused her to stop walking too. He turned to face her properly, his slightly shaky hands holding onto hers. One of his hands covered the top of her hand and he gave them a gentle squeeze. "They'll be happy to know that you are alright now. That you have found peace."

Kalina looked down at their hands, the contrast between them evident as his were wrinkled and held a thousand experiences and spells whereas hers were soft, smooth and dainty aside from the small scar over the top of her left hand which she had acquired during her teenage years at Ilvermorny, where she was taught.

Spiteful Beginnings // Severus Snape x OCWhere stories live. Discover now