46 - A Talk with Alastor

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When Severus awoke that Christmas morning, he wasn't sure if he was still intoxicated from the drink he had consumed last night at the Ball or if he was intoxicated still with the thoughts of the night he had spent with Kalina. His head was slightly fuzzy yet he remembered everything clearly. With his eyes still closed, the winter sun barely casting through his windows in the dungeons, he shifted his body to face the ceiling but he no longer felt a presence beside him.

Throughout the night, he had moved in his sleep and would feel Kalina by his side, her head nestled against one of his pillows with his quilt lazily draped over her nude body. At first he had awoken due her movement, a very unfamiliar antic that was occurring in his bed and the other was the sudden panic that they both still had left the shower running. Truth be told, after the first time they had sex, minutes later, Kalina was underneath him with his hands gripping onto the satin sheets beneath her and her legs wrapped around his waist desperately.

However, knowing she was no longer in bed with him, he sat up tiredly, rubbing his eyes and scanned his room, a art o him hoping that she was sat by the fireplace but as usual, he awoke to an empty room.

He collapsed back down onto his bed, mentally groaning at the thought of him messing it up or scaring her off but as he turned his head to the side, he noticed a note on his bedside table.

Anxious yet curious, he grasped the letter in his hand and yawned sleepily as he sat back up, his back resting against the headboard and read the letter.

'Darling Severus,

First of all, I wanted to thank you for such a magical night. Having our bodies entwined like we did last night will be a moment I will treasure forever and I sincerely hope you will do the same.

Don't fret when you awake and see that I am no longer beside you, you have made no mistakes which I know you are probably thinking about knowing you, but I have gone back to Wiltshire and spending Christmas at my fathers house for a change. I needed to see if he was alright and besides, it is Christmas. Merry Christmas by the way.'

Severus inhaled amusedly at her lazy way of saying 'Merry Christmas' to him but found her letter endearing all the same.

'I am sure we will see one another soon, perhaps you would like to come over on Boxing day? Please do. I feel like a fool writing this next part but I hope you don't feel like last night was a mistake because I can assure you, on my behalf, it wasn't. It was purely enchanting.

Anyway, please give my love and wishes to all the staff at Hogwarts and I wish to hear from you soon.

All my love,


Satisfied with the letter, all the worries he once had subsiding as he placed the letter back down and for once in his life, crawling back under his duvet sheets and fell back to sleep needing a good long lie-in.


As asked, Severus did appear in Kalina's fireplace on Boxing day. She was clearly not expecting it as she was midway through watching a film when a powerful force erupted from her fireplace and a tall and serious looking man had appeared inside. She felt even more embarrassed that she was wearing a pale green beauty mask and was painting her toenails in the meantime.

Allowing herself to look more presentable, he had teased her at first of course, before she ran into her bedroom and removed the mask and dress into something much more acceptable rather than a set of pyjamas that had cats printed all over it. She came back down minutes later, her hair tied into a side braid and her pyjamas where switched to black leggings and a white hoodie.

Spiteful Beginnings // Severus Snape x OCWhere stories live. Discover now