51 - Spiteful

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It took Kalina around ten minutes to get back to where Harry and Albus last were but it seemed longer since she was arguing with Alastor in her head and thinking of the things she could have said to him without the possibility of him strangling her.

She did make it back, looking slightly worse for wear since her luscious cloak had thread coming out of its seams and bristled in mud and whatever else. Although she hated Alastor and was glad to get away from him, she'd find some kind of comfort knowing that Barty Sr had been found safe.

Among her arrival, her heart stopped when she watched Hagrid grab Igor Karkaroff by the scruff of his white collar and pin him roughly up against a tree, his large hands gripped on tightly.

"Hagrid!" Kalina squeaked, rushing over and almost but foolishly tried to pry Hagrid's overpowering hands away from Igor who was turning blue in the face.

"Hagrid, please." Albus spoke aloud too, voice slightly raised.

Hagrid who had felt a presence behind him and felt a tug on his large hand had recoiled backwards, his hands fleeting away from Igor but stumbled in doing so, his arms flailing like a baby bird learning to fly which only resulted in Kalina getting a hard knock to the face and a loud crunch emitting from her nose.

Yelping out in pain, she turned away from Igor, Hagrid, Harry, Albus and a very confused looking Viktor as blood gushed down from her nostrils and past her lips.

She held onto her nose tightly, pinching it as if to stop the blood flow with her eyes tightly shut. Truthfully, she was doing her upmost not to cry because it's not every day you get backhanded accidentally by a half-giant.

"Pr'fessor! I'm s-so sorry!" Hagrid sounded devastated as he watched the much smaller woman crouch down, controlling her breathing.

Kalina held her free hand up, indicating that it was fine but Hagrid placed a hand on her shoulder, making her turn around so he could see the damage he had caused. He didn't care at the fact he had almost killed Igor but he would not stand to hear someone call Albus a liar but when it came to accidentally hurting Kalina, a witch who had always been kind to him, it was a tough situation to swallow.

"Bloody 'ell." His charcoal eyes glistened with tears in the moonlight, overcome with emotional at that point.

"It was an accident, it's fine." Kalina assured him, pushing out a smile behind her own teary eyes. It felt as if a hammer had been thrown in her face so the smile seemed very forced.

"Accident? Accident? Bah! That was no accident! That man, that thing is a monster!" Igor shouted angrily, everyone seeming to forget that Hagrid had almost killed him a second ago.

"Accident it was." Albus spoke up yet his voice maintained its soft tone. "I advise everyone to go back to Hogwarts or their current residence whilst I go see Alastor about Seniors apparent whereabouts." Albus concluded before making his way into the Dark Forest without another word.

Kalina sighed heavily, wiping her nose on the sleeve of her cloak before turning to Harry who was white in the face. "Come along Harry." Kalina ordered gently, placing a hand on his upper back and escorting him away from the area as Igor and Viktor stormed back to the ship they were residing in.

"Kalina, I really am s'rry."

Kalina stopped and faced Hagrid who was now blowing his nose on a hankercheif, small for him but proably the size of a bath towlel for Kalina. "I know, accidents happen. Try not to worry." She told him sincerely before turning back to Harry as they continued their journey back up to the castle.

The walk was silent momentarily until Harry looked to the cloaked woman beside him, a small smudge of blood just under her nostril. "Does it still hurt?"

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