49 - The Plead

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As the seconds ticked by, Kalina grew even sicker in her unfed belly as she started to hear the clamouring footsteps of Slytherin students leaving their dormitory and towards the Great Hall. However, it didn't go unnoticed that she could hear the exclamation of chatter which slowly died down when students passed behind her door, whispering what Kalina could only imagine to be about herself and their Head of House.

She tried to act cool, calm and collected but when she spotted shuffling movements behind her door caused by students, clearly trying to listen if their Professor was speaking, she had had enough.

In no hesitation, she grabbed her wand from her desk and cast a screaming Jinx towards the door, the large brass knocker which resembled a face of the founder of Slytherin House on the other side coming to life and emitting a powerful scream that soon sent the students charging down the corridors and out of hearing distance.

She slumped back into her chair, still in her nightwear and considered her two options – going to the Great Hall for breakfast with the sense of dread of every single student and Professor watching her like a hawk, whispering things about her under their breaths or to sit in her chambers that morning, psych herself up for her Herbology class which she luckily had within the third period of the school day.

Turns out, she chose the second option. The dreadful thought of hearing people talk about her and her relationship with Severus and the total disregard that wench Rita Skeeter had wrote about her regarding what she thought of Harry Potter.

She had managed to dress herself, brush her hair and her teeth as well as making herself a strong herbal tea which was very unlike her but she had to do something to calm the nerves.

As her mind drifted to Severus, she felt cold to the core. Why had he not come see her yet? She knew he didn't have a period this morning so what was the reason for him not coming to see her? Then again, she could've easily snuck out of her chambers to see if he was in his own but then she daren't leave in case someone saw her. It also didn't help that every time she thought about leaving to get some fresh air at least, Peeves would swoop down and sing a chorus of any romantic jester he could come up with. Luckily, the Bloody Baron was on her side and didn't hesitate to make Peeves scarper.

The thought of Severus being embarrassed saddened her and felt if she just answered Rita's questions more professionally rather than hurling an insult at her, things may be a lot different that morning. Especially when an hour into Kalina being hidden away in her chambers, there was knock at her door, quite sudden and very loud.

Kalina was sat by her desk still, trying to get her mind focusing on something else before her classes began but looked up upon hearing the noise. Holding a quill in her hand, the ink slowly dropping off the tip as she held it just above parchment. "Uh, I'm not seeing anybody at the minute. Please come back later." She tried to sound as professional as possible but even she couldn't refuse to hear the slight wobble in her voice.

She thought the person to have left but the door was unlocked from the outside and pushed straight open. Kalina jolted her head upwards to see Neville standing in the doorway, newspaper clenched tightly in his hand.

She knew this day was going to come where she would discuss her relationship with his former Potions Master and someone who he had feared and loathed for years.

She didn't say anything, instead stared at him but put the quill away in an ink pot and leaned backwards, lazily shifting her hand as a suggestion that he should take a seat. And he did.

He had closed the door behind him before he almost stormed towards her desk and sitting on the chair opposite her. But, as he sat, he couldn't fathom to say any words. Instead, he laid the paper flat on her desk, even neatening out the creased edges just so the picture of herself and Severus was highlighted more clearly for her.

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