2 - Awkward Introductions

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"Alright, lets go." Kalina muttered to herself, finally ready to apparate to Hogwarts and her new home for the year. Of course she couldn't transport herself within the castle walls but herself and Albus had agreed on a meeting point. It was later in the evening than usual, all of the students having their great meal to the new year tomorrow rather than that evening.

She glanced around her home for the last time in a while, making sure every door was locked, the windows were closed securely as well as making sure she didn't leave on any water. She inhaled the cinnamon smelling living room and grabbed a hold of her luggage before closing her eyes and transporting herself to a small village.

She glanced around, seeing a few people pass but it was Dumbledore's booming voice that caught her attention.

"Professor Oakblood!"

She spun around, her long flowing coat trailing behind her as she trudges along the gravel to go up and see him.

"Professor Dumbledore, it's lovely to see you. Thank you for meeting me." She smiled, sticking her hand out for him to shake which he does gladly, a warm smile on his face although the night sky made it oh so chilly.

"That's quite alright. I thought it'd be best for me to meet you so you don't arrive lonely at Hogwarts. So many students, so many staff but sometimes even the ghosts get lonely..." He spoke more to himself as he linked arms with her, walking up towards the castle grounds. She frowned at his words, not exactly sure if she should feel comforted by his words or not. But, seeing as he was here, she took it as comfort instead of the fear of isolation creeping into her mind.

The two conversed as they walked, Kalina was surprised about how much he talked, all of it being flattery.

"We're privileged to see someone as skilful as you to attend Hogwarts. I'm sure Hogwarts will be very different than Beauxbatons Academy?" He spoke, glancing her way to see her looking at the magnificent architecture in front of her, her eyes glistening in wonder.

"I'm sure I'll love it just as much..." She whispered in bewilderment, a grin spreading on her face as the building was lit up by the lights inside. "And thank you for your kind words. Most of all, thank you for hiring me, I've been longing to get back into teaching."

"It's wonderful isn't it?" He asked her, both of them stopping to look at the castle. "You needed the time off, Professor, losing a family member is hard. Losing two family members is probably harder." He said softly, offering her a comforting squeeze.

She took in his words but didn't let it get to her on an emotional level. She had learned to cope with her losses. The heart was still broken but she had time to make it tolerable.

"Let's get inside, I'm eager to see." She changed the topic swiftly, raising her shoulders as she placed her hand on his arm, almost giddy at the thought of seeing the inside.

Albus proceeded and escorted her inside the castle. She pulled down the hood of her coat which she had put up outside and let go of Albus' arm as she did a slow spin, taking in the stone walls in amazement. "It really is something."

Albus watched her with a small smirk, nodding his head in agreement. "And now it's your home." His words sung like a perfect harmony in her ears, the thought of Hogwarts being her home making her spine tingle in excitement.

"Come, I'll show you to your new quarters." He clasped his hands together leading the way.

Kalina followed, casting a small spell on her luggage cart to follow behind her so she wasn't dragging it up or down the stairs.

Albus stopped in his tracks, Kalina stopping too as a grey tabby cat races up to them from down the corridor, transfiguring into an older lady with mesmerising eyes.

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