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- We Must All Face The Choice Between What Is Right And What Is Easy -


"Albus! Albus!"

Minerva McGonagall called after her friend urgently, rushing behind him to keep up with the Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Her small heels scampered along the marble flooring as she held onto a scroll in her hand.

"Sherbet Lemon." Dumbledore speaks, loud and clear, his voice booming down the secluded corridor of the castle. As the large statue rotates, the stairs to his private room emerge from the ground.

Minerva watched her close friend with a perplexed facial expression before darting after him once again as he ascended the stairs, getting very irritated the more he ignores her calls.

"Albus Dumbledore!" She bellowed at the man as he sat down on his large luxurious chairs, popping a lemon drop into his mouth, his eyes closing with satisfaction as the sherbet pours into his mouth and down his gullet.

"Now, now Minerva. It's quite alright." He raised both of his hands calmly as she marched over to his desk, placing the scroll of parchment firmly onto his desk.

"Alright? Does he know about this?" Minerva asked with a vacant look on her face, watching as he popped another sweet in his mouth as he glanced at the scroll, already knowing what it was about.

"Professor Snape will be fine. There is nothing wrong with him having an extra pair of hands to help him." Albus explained, intertwining his fingers and holding them against his chest as he looked up to the woman who was looking at him in pure disbelief.

"He won't be fine and you know that Albus." She warned him, picking up the scroll and re-reading its contents.

"Not only will we have a new Herbology Professor but someone who is largely interested in potions too. They are very well acquainted with myself and magic." He replied, almost rolling his eyes at her but went against it, knowing Minerva would not take too lightly to his attitude although it wasn't him who seemed to have an attitude.

Minerva paced slightly and shook her head. "I don't deny your expertise about hiring staff. However," she starts off, stopping in her tracks and placing a delicate finger on his Phoenix, Fawkes, "Severus will feel highly insulted that he needs someone there to help his students! He's already a moody troll to deal with in the first place. This will worsen his mood."

Albus stood slowly, his old age getting the better of him as he walked around the side of his desk to stand beside Minerva as Fawkes squawks loudly, the creature feeling highly blessed to being touched. "You saw the reports last year... Most students failed his classes. And that young Finnigan boy is a prime example as to why Severus just needs someone to provide extra care and attention. Severus isn't so... specialised in the field of showing care to students."

Minerva sighed softly, knowing that Albus couldn't be reasoned with. She was thrilled to have a new member of staff to teach Herbology and to join Hogwarts overall, she just couldn't bare to see Severus in a fouler mood than he usually was. "I suppose you're right Albus. Young Seamus isn't the best at potions... or anything that doesn't involve blowing himself up for that matter." Minerva tuts, shaking her head at the thought.

"Trust me, Minerva. I know what I'm doing." Albus smirked triumphantly, crossing his arms over his long red and golden robes. "Besides, you never know; Severus could gain a friend."


All Rights Reserved to J.K Rowling and her characters.

My only Character is Kalina Oakblood and her family as well as very minor side characters.

This is my first Harry Potter Styled story so I'm nervous yet eager to see how it goes.

I totally love the late Alan Rickman and found his portrayal of Severus Snape fascinating and highly legendary.

Thank you and Enjoy

Huge thanks to @Hi-Carl-394 for helping me with this and coming up with the character name. <3

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