22 - Christmas Day, 1992

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Christmas Day, 1992.

Snow was falling from the heavens and carol singers were singing from door to door down the village. Kalina had suspected just her parents, her cousin Max and his new wife Pauline and their twin daughters Ingrid and Ivetsy would be coming over but no... turns out a whole majority of her family had come to visit.

To put things into perspective, this is what happened that morning:

Kalina rose out of bed, the clock striking 7am exactly. She hopped down the stairs and poured herself some coffee as she walked to her computer and checked her emails as she usually did to see any messages from her family.

She opened up the first message which was from her cousin, Hannah. Clicking the link open she read the top line with a smile.

Merry Christmas Kalina! I hope you have had a wonderful holiday so far.

I am sorry to impose on you on such sort notice but please may myself and your nieces Juliet and Arya come over for Christmas Dinner?

We had broken down on the motorway last night and are staying in a nearby hotel which I am sending you this email from. The children, especially Juliet, are becoming bored and restless and my car won't be fixed in enough time to get us all back to Manchester.

Love to you all,

Hannah, Juliet and Arya. Xxxxx

What else could she do? Days before that she had received many other messages from her cousins asking if them and their children could come and visit for Christmas dinner. She didn't know if it was some kind of prank but in the total of six people she expected to come originally, she now had others too. She didn't even know if she had enough stuff in! In a panic, knowing she couldn't deny her family since everyone else was coming, she emailed around asking for spare chairs and tables they could bring over as soon as possible. Luckily for her, she was a Witch too.

With a flick of her wand, all the house had been tided up neatly for the arrival of her family. The small Christmas tree she had by the window was now lit with fairy lights that sparkled and golden tinsel had hugged the tree. Now what was left was to make the food.

Her parents, Max and his wife and children had arrived first. The two young twins instantly running towards the living room after hugging Kalina's legs to look at the presents that were neatly packed away under the tree for them.

"Hi mummy," Kalina smiled as her mum hobbled into the house, her walking stick outstretching in front of her as she leaned up to her daughter, her frail lips placing a kiss on her cheek. Her father greeted her with a warm hug, embracing her before he helped his wife into the house.

"Any trouble?" Kalina asked Max as soon as he entered, brushing the snowflakes out of his hair before hanging his and Pauline's coat up.

"Julia forgot she was coming here to today." Max sighed softly, seeing a faltered look appear on Kalina's face. Pauline then placed a delicate hand on her shoulder, giving it a comforting squeeze and told her it was lovely for her to invite them over for Dinner.

She had may cousins did Kalina. Her Mother, Julia had two sisters who went on to have at least seven daughters of their own between them and her father, Michael, only had one brother who had three children who also went on to have many children. To say she was an only child, she was never really lonely. She would spend summer days with her cousins, running around the park and meeting at family events. She formed bonds with each of her cousins, all female (except Max to his dismay) for that matter. Their children, also female.

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