6 - Mrs Norris

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"Professor Oakblood! Professor Oakblood!"

Kalina turned abruptly in her spot as she walked one of the many halls of the great castle that is Hogwarts, her way to Herbology being stopped as she hears several students screaming and running down the corridors, as a young Irish boy named Seamus came running up to her.

"What is it?" She asked, her voice panicked, making sure no harm had come to any of the pupils as she traced the way of which the commotion was coming from.

"It's Professor Lockhart, he let Cornish Pixies free and they've taken over the Dark Arts classroom!" He exclaimed breathlessly, his chest rising from the mad sprint from the classroom he just took part in.

"Take me there!" She demanded, having no time to waste. She dealt with those Pixies before and although they're not specifically malicious, they were cheeky blighters and destroy everything and wreak havoc.

The small boy nodded quickly and ran down the hall, Kalina hot on his tail, being careful not to trip on her skirt. The door was closed but she could hear the excited squealing coming from the Pixies.

"Where on earth is Lockhart?" She scolded as she peered through the window in the door, not noticing any of the children inside the class which meant they all must have gotten out.

"No idea ma'am, I think he made a run for it." He stood on his tiptoes, trying to look in but she placed her hand on his back and pulled out her wand.

"Alright, run along back to the Gryffindor Common Room, class is clearly dismissed." She nodded, noticing the red and yellow tie that hung messily around his neck but now was not the time to critique his uniform and instead ushered him away.

She pushed the door open, swooping low as a flight of Pixies raced over her head, tearing a book apart and throwing the paper all around the classroom.


She heard a young boy cry out, his voice heard but no source of his whereabouts until she looked up, her eyes landing on Mister Longbottom hanging from the chandelier.

"Hold tight! I'll get you down in a moment." She tried to calm him but he looked more than anxious to wait any longer as he felt his robes begin to tear at the seams.

"Immobulus!" She raised her wand in the air at the same time as young witch did who jumped up from behind the desk, both in unison saying the spell which sent a bright light into the air, shocking the creatures into a docile-like state.

She let out of a sigh of relief as the Pixies floated in the air, causing no more bother.

"Good thinking Miss Granger." Kalina compliments the young girl who she recognised from her Herbology classes, always the one eager to answer questions and get them spot on. Same within Potions although it appeared that Professor Snape was never too keen on her eagerness within class. She had even heard him mutter under his breath that she was a 'know-it-all' which wasn't particularly a bad thing, he just made it out to be like one.

The girl only smiled as two more heads pop up from behind the desk: Ron Weasley and the infamous Harry Potter.

She had heard his story many of times, the Boy Who Lived; it was a horrendous night when it happened but it swept a shockwave around the whole wizarding world when Harry survived the killing curse. It must have been hard on him to finally learn the truth after all those years.

She snapped out of her thoughts, her mind focusing on the boy who was still swinging from the chandelier as he spoke.

"Why does this always happen to me?" He frowned gloomily which made Kalina furrow her eyebrow but with a flick of her wrist, the boy started to levitate, unlatching him from a dainty hook on the ornament. Slowly, she lowered him to the ground and as his feet touched the floor he let out a huge puff of air and grasped his thighs as he hunched over.

Spiteful Beginnings // Severus Snape x OCWhere stories live. Discover now