32 - Blossom Pink

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Kalina had left Hogwarts that following evening with a fuzzy mind. She had been to speak with Neville and first of all apologised to him for cutting their conversation and walk short and for possibly spooking him at the event that had unfolded. He was a little shocked but had relaxed by the time the two had a cup of tea together back in the dead Great Hall.

When she arrived back home via fireplace, her mind raced instantly to Severus. Her heart fluttered at the thought of her being so close to him again that she swore her heart could have jumped out of her chest and flew all the way back to him.

She giggled to herself, feeling like a love-sick schoolgirl but kept in mind that sometime next week, she'll be sipping tea or maybe more with him.

For now, she had put her mind at ease about the bizarre events that seemed to always happen at Hogwarts when she is there and settled on watching the film Die Hard for the thousandth time until she eventually passed out to sleep on the couch.


The weekend couldn't have come soon enough for Kalina. Of course, she was understandably nervous, wanting to make a good suitor for Neville as a guardian for him but she tried to calm herself down with some tea and crumpets that Saturday morning before she were to go collect Neville from Albus' office.

Before Kalina had left Hogwarts that odd evening, she nipped in to see how Albus was and an update on Black and Lupin. He seemed relatively calm and told her that she need not worry about them both and she should focus her attention on Neville. He of course allowed Neville to come away from Hogwarts which also meant he didn't have to do his homework and to just enjoy his time with Kalina and see how things go.

So, she hopped into her fireplace, coughing slightly as some old Floo Powder particles clogged up her nostrils, said Dumbledore's office and engulf in the green flames, moments later being in a place that wasn't her own.

"Ah, nice to see you again!" Kalina stepped out, dusting off her clothes slightly and grinned to see Albus sat behind his desk, his eyes twinkling as per usual. He was rummaging around in a bowl on his desk and of course, he popped a sherbet lemon into his mouth and grinned in delight.

"Bit early for them isn't it, Professor?" Kalina teased, walking over to him and taking a finger and gently caressing the Fawkes' beak as the Phoenix snoozed away happily, chirping ever so slightly at her touch.

"Never too early." Albus retorted, chuckling.

Just then, the door opened to his office after a faint knock and in came Neville who was also followed by Professor Snape.

Her eyes did land immediately on Snape who looked taken aback to see Kalina so soon. She smiled fondly at him and he smiled back but no one else in that room had seen it.

"You ready to go Neville?" Kalina moved away from Fawkes and back over to the fireplace, beckoning him politely to come with her.

"S-sure." Neville flustered slightly as he watched Severus and Albus stand next to one another, almost seeing him off like they were his own parents.

"Bye Headmaster," Kalina nodded politely to Albus who bowed his head and then her attention moved to Severus, "bye Professor."

"Bye, Kalina." He said smoothly, his hands tucked behind his back as he watched them both disappear in a burst of flames.

Kalina and Neville arrived at Diagon Alley, both of them brushing off the clothes from the dusty mode of travel and set foot down the cobbled streets.

Kalina had asked where the teenager wanted to go to first and he seemed too awkward to say anything at first but she had noticed his gaze linger on Magical Menagerie, a store that contained many animals.

Spiteful Beginnings // Severus Snape x OCWhere stories live. Discover now