45 - The Yule Ball. Part II

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Still underneath the enchanted shield that was protecting them from sight and hearing, the smiles never left Kalina and Severus' faces that evening.

They had found somewhere to sit, his arm draped around her shoulder to keep her warm even though he protested they could go back inside but she didn't want to at all, she wanted to stay out there with him forever.

"Tonight has been lovely." Kalina breathed after a few minutes of comfortable silence causing Severus to hum in agreement.

They didn't disclose if they were dating or officially in a relationship with one another but she knew Severus would have been too awkward to ask her anyway and she would feel awkward too if he were to say no even though it was unlikely. She had never asked anyone out before and she certainly wasn't starting today.

"Say, do you think your father is having a nice time? Without his daughter?"

Kalina, hand on heart, had awfully forgotten that her father accompanied her that night to the Yule Ball and sighed deeply. "I hope so? Minerva said she'll take care of him so... I hope he's fine without me."

She should have really gotten up to go check but after the pair had confessed their love for another, it seemed impossible now for either of them to part even for a second.

"I'm sure he'll be fine." Severus said with certainty until they both fell into another silence, Kalina's head leaning down against his shoulder.

As the snow started to fade from the sky, causing the goosebumps that littered her skin to fade, Severus would every now and again glance down at her unnoticeably and then smile to himself.

He felt lucky to know Kalina in the first place since she was a very rare person to find. He had felt trauma in his past and so had Kalina but she kept fighting. She didn't turn to hate and cruelty like he had done she woke up every day and faced the day ahead of her without her daughter and even her mother now like nothing had happened unless she opened up about it. A woman who smiled so much could rid the world of thinking she had such a horrible past few years. But there she was, teaching in one of the most stressful times. Severus didn't want to alarm her however, his arm was starting to hurt a lot more than usual and it was starting to unnerve him.

Kalina was looking up at him at this point, seeing the bothered look in his eyes and nudged his shoulder lightly. "You alright there?"

Severus then turned to her and nodded his head dismissively and leaned down, kissing her shoulder tentatively until he remembered something.

"I almost forgot," he started, removing his arm from around her and reaching into his pocket. He pulled out a small box and passed it over, "I got you this."

Kalina exhaled through her nose amusedly and cast an eyebrow up at him. "But it's not Christmas morning yet." She mocked as she took the box graciously from his hands and undid the ribbon that held it closed shut.

"Silence." He smirked and watched with apprehensive eyes as she opened it up, revealing a stunning necklace with an emerald green, similar to the cufflinks she had gifted him, pendent.

"Oh Severus, you shouldn't have gotten this for me." She shook her head but he knew she was grateful for it as she admired it by removing it from the box and holding it in the palm of her hand.

"May I?" He held out his hand, suggesting that he could put it on for her.

Kalina smiled lightly and moved her hair that was still neatly done, although dusted with snow, away from the back of her neck allowing him access. She felt the cold silver drape around the neck, almost startling her and felt him clip both ends of the necklace together. She moved her hair back when done and looked down at it and smiled mischievously. "Doesn't go with the dress but I love it all the same."

Spiteful Beginnings // Severus Snape x OCWhere stories live. Discover now