1 -Diagon Alley

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Diagon Alley, one of the most wonderous place in the wizarding world. For some that is.

Wizards and Witches pushed and shoved through the busy cobblestoned alley, everyone either seeming eager, excited and enraged at the same time.

Her leather ankle boots clipped along the ground, her bag slung over her shoulder as she walked past many of the shops including Broomstix, Eeylops Owl Emporium and Apothecary. She stopped just outside Flourish and Blotts, a store where most students purchase their books for the new school year. She smiled and nodded to a large ginger-haired family as they piled out of the bookstore, some with looks of distraught where as the females looked positively ecstatic, especially the mother of the group.

"Oh wasn't he wonderful, Harry?" The woman beamed pinching a young boy with dark hair and circular glasses cheek to which he looked most disturbed by.

"If you say so Mrs Weasley." The young boy chirped, offering a small smile to the woman who began to usher her entourage forwards and out of people's way.

Pushing the door to the bookstore open, the chiming of the bell hanging above the door rattled in her ears but she looked down at her list which she had gripped in her hand before she started to scan the shelves for the right books.

Since she got offered the job at Hogwarts, Kalina had been eager to start teaching as soon as possible. It was of short notice but when you have a sudden surprise visitor at your door and it turns out to be Albus Dumbledore, there was nothing to be done.

She wasn't new at teaching, no, she had worked previously at the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic a few years ago when she was twenty-five. She had left though unfortunately due to some events in her life but, she was happier now than ever and was very excited to start fresh.

Dumbledore had kindly gifted her a list of books he recommended her to get for the school year, not that she needed it, she was highly knowledgeable in Herbology and Potions but, a few new books could never hurt.

As she scanned the piles and piles of books, she stopped when she saw a picture of a man with a very charming smile, posing left, right and centre for his picture. It was placed on a stand with a few books at the side.

"Magical Me... Gilderoy Lockhart." She read aloud, her finger tracing over the fine binding of the book.

"Yes, that's me."

Shocked by the sudden voice, she turned on her heel to see the man in the picture, now beside her, that smile never seeming to leave his face. It looked like it hurt.

"I take it you're an author?" She questioned although it was fairly obvious that he was.

The man nodded his head and licked at his lips. He kept one hand behind his back whilst the other was held up to his stomach as he walked around the woman, his eyes never leaving her. "I am. I have wrote many books, I'm sure you've heard of me or have read them." He grinned, leaning against the banister that lead up the stairs, pushing his golden hair back with his hand.

"No... sorry." She replied meekly, not wanting to offend him but his face dropped abruptly.

"Y-You haven't?" He asked, gobsmacked by the woman's confession that she had never read any of his work.

She shook her head in confirmation and pulled her bag more securely on her shoulder, feeling it start to slip. "Sorry, but no."

Lockhart nodded curtly and forced his smile back on his face, trying to look like he hadn't taken offence by her revelation. "Well, let me introduce myself."

He then proceeded on standing up straight and pushed his long flowing robes to the side slightly to outstretch his hand to her. "Lockhart. Gilderoy Lockhart. Finest author of the last few years. This is my new book however, 'Magical Me'." He grinned, practically attaching his hand to her own before she could decide for herself.

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