39 - A Grim Discovery

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Severus had been given the information from Kalina to meet her in Hogsmeade in a pub called Muggle Delights. It was a very small pub and rarely had people inside but it was clear to him that she wanted to meet somewhere a lot more private. He found a note that was slipped under his door, telling him to meet her there. So, he freshened up by having a quick shower and made his way to Hogsmeade.

It took him a while to find the pub itself as it was hidden tightly between two other buildings and one had to go downstairs to enter the pub. As he entered though, the pub had small lights flickering around the room, some patrons sat by the bar and some in the corner of the small room whilst a jukebox played in the corner. He had never seen one before and the music being played from it was some he had never recognised before.

As his eyes roamed, they stopped on Kalina as she head her face downwards, seeming to read a menu with an interested look on her face. Her hair was loose and cascading down past her shoulders and as he stood by the door, he could see the slight shimmer of eyeshadow on her eyelids - something he hadn't seen her wear since he went to hers for Christmas.

Kalina felt the top of her head burning slightly so she looked up, stared across the room and beamed brightly at Severus who seemed stuck in his spot, gawping at her.

"Sev! Come, come!" She beckoned him over as he analysed her.

Embarrassed at his ridiculous staring and the fact she had called him 'Sev' which few or nobody even did aside from her, he ran a hand through his hair and looked around idly before making his way over, pulling out a chair from across from her. "What is this place?" He asked as soon as he sat down.

"Just a pub that half-bloods, squibs and Muggleborn people come into. They sell liquor from what you would get at non-wizarding bars." She hummed but her eyes stared down at the menu in her hand, looking over something in great thought.

Severus glanced around entrancedly but turned his attention straight back to her when an unbelievable question came out from her mouth.

"Do you want a Blowjob?" She asked; her eyebrow raised yet an innocent look remained still on her face. There was no sign of enthusiasm or flirtatious gestures from her end but Severus swore he felt the air get sucked out from his lungs and his jaw dropped.

"P-pardon?" He stammered, instantly getting hot under his collar.

"A Blowjob? See, I was going to go and get myself an Orgasm and I thought you'd like a Blowjob is all?" She placed the menu that was in her delicate hands back on the table and scraped her stool across the floor as if she was about to get up.

What in Merlin's name was he meant to say? He certainly wanted to scream 'yes' but believed it to be a bit forward. There was no denying his attraction and love for her (despite never truly addressing it to her), but as she made the bold statement, it left his mind in a puddle of mess.

"I..." slowly, his eye followed down towards the menu that she had placed back on the table and read:

'Delicious Cocktails for all Wizards, Witches and Goblins alike to try! Try their delicious blends of:

Sex on the Beach

Pornstar Martini



Purple Rain

Woo Woo

and Blowjob.

Only 2 Galleons!'

Spiteful Beginnings // Severus Snape x OCWhere stories live. Discover now