21 - Witches Hat

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The next day was odd. A lot more odd than usual at Hogwarts.

No, there wasn't no more students being petrified, no more people trying to destroy the draught, no more Seamus Finnigan blowing something up with the wave of his wand. It was just... odd.

Kalina had woken up with a pounding headache. Honestly, she couldn't remember a thing the night before which instantly made her feel worse for wears. How much had she drank?

She pushed the thoughts out of her mind and sat up from her bed, looking across towards the desk to see that the bottle of, well, whatever it was, had vanished. "Did I drink it all, really?" She grimaced at the thought, scrunching her nose up. If she could remember, which she didn't, she could still feel the odd metallic taste in her mouth as she licked at her teeth which instantly made her spring up from her bed and brush them. Evidently, orange juice was not the way forward this breakfast time.

Kalina dressed herself, brushing her hair up into a neatly fastened bun and decided to wear a Witches hat that day. It was black with a very faint shimmer to it, the top pointed up straight and a blood-red buckle wrapped around the brim. As she left, she grabbed her bag and her boots trudged along the floor making some students turn their heads in her direction, knowing it was her walking down the corridors.

Most of the male students noticed that the woman walked quickly and with a pride in her step. She had the softest smile on her lips as usual and would nod towards the students who were already looking. She may have been a new teacher that year but it was safe to say that she was everyone's favourite. Not that there was much competition anyway.

McGonagall was a powerful teacher and a very strict one at that. It was hard to stifle a laugh out of that woman, even on a good day. Most adults liked her anyway.

Professor Flitwick was a good teacher but often became very dull to listen to after ten minutes of teaching. He was 'nice' as some students would say but they would often talk about how many books high he was, depending on the literature.

Trelawny. One word: Loopy.

There was Cuthbert Binns as well, the History of Magic professor. Kalina never spoke to him but neither did most students as, well, he was dead. So, she didn't see him at Breakfast or at Dinner. He was a man who died in his slumber at an old age but refused to give up teaching. It was hard to banish Ghosts from Hogwarts which is probably why Dumbledore allowed him to stay and carry on teaching a History of Magic. By the chatter she hears as she walks the halls, the students don't prefer his lessons over anyone else's. It was a shame however, Kalina was very interested in the History of Magic and if she didn't do Herbology, her second teaching choice would be a History of Magic and then Potions closely behind. She liked sticking her head in books and reading everything magical. Supposedly, she did this when she first attended Illvermony and wanted to learn everything.

Professor Sprout, again, a good teacher but was also strict. Funny when she wants to be but that was down to her dry humour which not a lot of students understood. The young ones anyway.

Then there was Professor Snape... need any information on what students thought of him?

As she walked to get breakfast, she hadn't realised how late she was seeing that most professors had already taken their seat, now just waiting for Dumbledore to arrive for his morning porridge. She had the choice of two seats: One between Lockhart and Trelawny or one between McGonagall and Snape. It was obvious which seat she was going to take.

She pulled out the chair from under the table, placing her bag that she always carried around with her under the long table, smiling at Minerva as she smiled back at her, focusing back on a magazine in front of her. "Anything interesting?" Kalina asked politely, making conversation with the Head of Gryffindor.

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