17 - Strange Feelings

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Sweat dripped down her forehead, sweltering her chest and back of her neck as she shot up in her bed, her heart thumping against her chest like a heavy metal drum player.

Kalina pulled the satin, slightly wet sheets from her body and saw that it was only five in the morning on the clock on her wall, just barely seeing it in the dark.

She ran her fingers through her hair which was damp and a tangled mess on top of her head.

The dream she had was like no other.

It started of sweet and innocent and turned into a frenzy at the end. She cringed at the though of her dreams and looked down, catching her breath was when she realised that the silk pants she usually wore were at a pool at her ankles making her squirm uncomfortably and whine to myself, collapsing backwards. "Oh god... please not this." She shrunk back into her pillow, not wanting to face the world but she knew she had to eventually.

Knowing she could not possibly fall back asleep, she pulled herself out of bed, kicking off her pants that were still wrapped around her feet and showered up quickly, washing the sweat from her body and replacing it with the subtle smell of honeycomb. She like swapping her soap bars and shower gels every now and again.

Once washed and dressed in her everyday work attire, deciding on a lilac blouse, again, she liked to change the colour of her clothes every day aside from her black pants and skirt, she changed her bedding.

She could see the sweat patches that had formed from her body onto the sheets making her feel weird about the whole dream.

As she was getting ready, all she could think about was the dream. Envisioning his hands on her waist, his lips... it was a dream she didn't expect to have about her colleague; Professor Snape.

She tried to distract herself in her room before breakfast, thinking how on earth a dream like that could occur. She was barely even friends with him which was the most frustrating part and in all honesty, she wasn't even attracted to him.

If she had to pinpoint maybe one thing she likes about him which is even the only bit attractive was his voice. And possibly, his cleverness. Other than that, there was no attraction.

She must've spent the last two hours just pacing back and forth in her chambers until a tanoy was announced that breakfast was about to be served and all students should get ready to head to the Great Hall.

She too, took this as her cue to go and get something, hoping it would take her mind of it but as she opened the door and stepped out, closing it behind her, she froze when she spotted him at the end of the hallway. He wasn't facing as he was walking the other way, taking long strides as his unneeded and uncessary long cloak flowed behind him.

She waited a few moments, as silly as it sounded, for her to even start walking, not particularly wanting to bump into him as she knew she would somehow find it even more impossible to look him in the eye than before.

But, after a minute of aiting, she headed towards the Great Hall, she stepped inside, one of the Professor's holidng it open for her, making her do the awkward run towards it so they weren't waiting too long.

She took a quick seat beside Minerva and Hagrid, making sure that Snape, although he wouldn't, and Professor Lockhart would not sit near her.

The breakfast went smoothly, speaking to Hagrid about his love for Dragons seemed to have put her mind at ease but when it was over, she had stood up from the table, her being the first and then Professor Snape and Lockhart stood at the same time, either side of her.

Kalina pretended that she didn't notice but she did. Two men watched her with caution; Lockhart watched her with a sense of longing, just wanting to be near her and to speak with her whereas Snape was curious as to why she was relatively shy that morning. He supposed he would question her about it in Potions but then again, he didn't want to seem like he cared because he didn't. She was just a colleague to him, not a friend.

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