30 - Moony, Padfoot and Pandora

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Sore in pain, Severus sat up from where he was blasted into, an old and dusty bed that had collapsed down on him. His eyes squinted together as he mumbled incoherently to himself, pulling himself up and brushing off the old broken bed that had fell on him onto the floor.

It took him a few moments to realise what had happened before a rage had surged through him and pushed himself off the bed and stood up quickly in the room where he last laid eyes on the notorious Sirius Black. "Where are they...?" He growled to himself. More importantly, he had to know where on earth that Harry had gotten. Disarming a teacher? He was in for a world of trouble.

Severus retraced his steps from when he ran into the Shrieking Shack, the tunnels seeming endless. How Remus did this every full moon when he was a student is beyond ridiculous Severus thought but at the moment in time, he couldn't think of anything except from getting his hands around Harry Potters and Sirius Black's neck.

From where he walked, he could see the cloudy night sky, signalling that he was almost at the entrance point of the Whomping Willow. Halfway through his sprint back to the castle, he noticed he had completely abandoned his wand but in all honesty, he didn't want to sift through tons of old rubble when a killer is at large.

He had dreaded the whole school year when he found out that Remus Lupin, one of James' many followers would be teaching DADA. Severus knew it was bad news ever since the Daily Prophet landed on his lap about Sirius Black escaping Azkaban; the monster who told the Dark Lord where his precious Lily was hiding and coincidentally Remus had also come out of the dark and decided to start teaching... knocked him sick.

Sirius felt the cool air hit his face as he started to clamber out of the hole he had submerged himself into in the first place and raged immensely when he saw Potter and his friends lingering around.

"There you are, Potter!" Severus seethed, grabbing Harry by the scruff of his jacket but Harry didn't seem fazed. Instead, the thirteen year old boy and his friends were looking straight past Severus with fear in their eyes.

Severus felt the hot breath hit his neck before the large roar had exploded from the beast behind him.

He gasped and turned in a swift motion, his heart racing rapidly as a large grey, misty eyed Werewolf stood barely a metre away from them. Instinctively, he put the children behind him, his eyes wide in terror as the monster within Remus crept towards them, raising it's large paw in the air before striking down at them. Narrowly missing them, the four fell anyway and looked up helplessly as Moony roared, drool clung onto its teeth and jaw, it's teeth large and sharp.

Severus expected to get his neck bitten into next but nothing came as a wild shaggy haired dog burst through the bushes, knocking the Werewolf away as it started to claw at it's body giving Severus enough time to gain his balance back and push the children behind him once more.

Severus watched in apprehension as the dog came flying away, clearly no match for the Werewolf but the dog, Sirius/Padfoot if he recalled correctly from when they were teens at Hogwarts to, started to circle the creature.

Severus could feel his heartbeat in his throat and could also feel Hermione's shaking hand that gripped onto his arm, begging him not to leave them.

The two dog like creatures clashed together, Padfoot embedding his teeth into the Werewolf's shoulder to try and protect Severus and the children but Padfoot knew himself that he was too weak to try and tackle Moony away.

As the night got colder and darker, Severus couldn't miss the beady green eyes that had distracted him from the fight that was exploding in front of them. Slowly the eyes crept towards him, his heart beating faster and faster as he prayed for it not to be another threat but his attention turned back to the large wolf that started to charge back at them after knocking Padfoot into a tree.

Spiteful Beginnings // Severus Snape x OCWhere stories live. Discover now