44 - The Yule Ball. Part I

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Kalina got ready in her bedroom ten minutes after her father had come. Of course, she used magic to do her hair and make-up seeing as the Ball started around half an hour ago and knew it'd take her a long time to do it physically herself. So, when she was happy with her final look and applied a thin layer of peach flavoured lip gloss to her lips, she pulled on her dress and heel sand stared at herself in her long-view mirror that was attached to her wardrobe. Obviously being glammed up was a big difference for her seeing as though she had no make up on when she went to try it on for the first time but she had to admit that she looked ten times better than she did before.

She walked down the stairs and entered her living room, her father seeming to pace the floor until her voice brought him out of his trance.

"What're you pacing for?" She laughed softly. He stopped abruptly and stared at his daughter and she could see tears welling up in his eyes.

"Kalina! You look just like your mother." He said with a shaken up voice making her pout and open her arms for them to hug. He wrapped in arms around his daughter and hugged her tight and told her she looked beautiful.

Thanking him, her father then said he was nervous about going to the Wizarding World as Kalina moved towards her fireplace, getting it ready to transport them into her office.

"Don't worry dad, you'll love it." She chimed, holding up a small pot of what looked like ordinary powder to her father. He became confused as she lifted up the hem of her dress and walked into her fireplace, surely running the bottom but nothing that magic couldn't fix.

"Come on then!" Kalina exclaimed excitedly, holding out her hand for her elderly father to take her hand. Her father took a step towards her, ducking underneath the mantle as he did. He looked directly up through the chimney and then over to his daughter as they squeezed in together.

"You ready?" She mused.

"I guess?" Her father replied, a nervousness in his voice as he looked around, waiting for something to happen.

"I'd close your eyes if you're nervous," she said grabbing a handful of powder into her hand whilst linking her arm through his so he doesn't get left behind in green flames, "Hogwarts, Professor Oakblood's office." She slammed the powder onto the floor beneath them and her father, Michael, closed his eyes tightly as a strange and bizarre sensation occurred around him. He had felt his breath hitch and then in a matter of seconds, he felt his daughters hand let go of him and he slowly opened his eyes to see that he was somewhere else entirely.

Michaels eyes widened as he stepped out of the fireplace after his daughter and looked around to see her chambers which was filled with books and photographs as well as odd plants he had never seen before scattered around. He could've sworn he saw one move its twigs like they were arms. "Wow..."

However, the sound of something in the other room made both of them turn to face towards her bedroom and noticed that the bathroom door was shut and some loud and angry shouting was coming from inside.

Kalina stood in front of her father, protectively and pulled out her wand. "Hello?" She called out. The shouting and odd grunting sound stopped and the door flew wide open. Kalina stumbled backwards and out came Argus Filch, covered in water and whatever in Merlin's name was on his clothes. In his left hand, he held a plunger and the other a screwdriver.

"Oh Professor! I didn't think you were coming tonight." He told her, sounding quite surprised and idly closing the bathroom door shut behind him.

"Yes... what are you doing in my bathroom? What's happened?" Kalina made sure the topic didn't change as swiftly as Filch would have liked but as she lowered her wand and placed it back in the strap of her heel.

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