40 - Haunting Past

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Kalina hadn't really paid any attention throughout the first Triwizard task until a scaly, roaring and now flying dragon had managed to unleash itself from it's sturdy chains and obliterate the canvas that was over her head, making many of the staff tumble to the ground – herself included.

Snapping out of her intense thoughts about what Alastor had said and about what Senior had also said, she found herself on her rear and her back pressed firmly against Minerva's who also took a tumble. "Good heavens!" Minerva gasped, watching as young Harry Potter flew through the cloudy sky on his Firebolt Broomstick with a fire-breathing dragon trailing behind him.

Brushing off some broken pieces of wood that had dusted her clothes, Kalina moved her leg that was wedged between Flitwick and Trelawny and looked up immediately when a hand was outstretched towards her. Following the hand up their arm and up to their face, Alastor's scarred skin and piercing blue fake eye came into view and gazed back down at her. She didn't want to seem rude, seeing as they got off on the wrong foot straight away so she placed her hand in his, feeling that his skin was almost leathery and badly beaten but she made no comment as he hauled her up with ease, holding firmly onto his large club-like stick to keep himself upright.

"Thank you, Professor." She said at once as she pulled her hand back, not wanting it to linger any more than it should have done. He didn't say anything more as he mumbled under his breath and turned his back on her. By her side quickly, Severus watched Kalina's gaze follow after moody.

"You hurt?" He asked, snapping her out of her trance and looked up to meet Severus' eyes.

"Fine." She replied shortly, not meaning to since by the look on his face, he seemed very protective of her all of a sudden. Despite his brooding nature, Severus, to her at least, was one of the sweetest. His temper can be short at times but after knowing him for so long, he can unwind naturally, especially after a drink or two. Despite not having a drink today either, he was being more touchy-feely than usual, not that she minded.

Placing his hand on her lower back, he guided her back to her seat, not once removing his hand.

Kalina whose mind was on Barty Crouch Junior had faded and gave Severus an odd look but he didn't look at her. Looking round, Kalina then saw what may have possessed Severus to keep his eye (and hand) on her much more. She only looked quickly to notice that Igor, Headmaster of the Durmstrang Institute, had been watching her closely. Severus noticed this once he entered the stands to the arena, following his observation closely. Severus did not like the way he was looking at her, not at all.

That evening, Hogwarts was filled with laughter, music and joy when not only Cedric but Harry had received their Golden Eggs which held a secret clue to the next task inside. Of course, Kalina didn't know what the next task was after being utterly appalled and giving her piece of mind to Ludovic Bagman the Head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports about how atrocious and unsafe this task had been, especially since one of the dragons had fled and easily could have hurt other students and staff.

Yet another triumphant feast had been held in the Great Hall, the betwitched ceiling was cast with candles and shooting stars and the odd firework exploded in the fake-sky silently in celebration of none of the students dying. Well, that's how Kalina now saw it as anyway.

She would have spoken again to Senior about the tasks and how they can surely not allow Potter to compete again but as she walked with haste towards the judges desk, she had then thought back to Junior being deceased and it turns out that Senior had departed much sooner than the others and was nowhere to be seen from then on.

"What's troubling you, Kalina?" The familiar soft and silky voice of Severus asked beside her as he noticed her prodding her apple tart unappetisingly with her fork rather than swallowing it whole like she usually did when met with her favourite desert.

Spiteful Beginnings // Severus Snape x OCWhere stories live. Discover now