7 - Insufferable

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The event that had occurred the last couple of days did not sit right with the staff at Hogwarts nor did it sit well with the students. Confused and afraid, Dumbledore often paced his office, wondering what on earth happened that night regarding Filch's cat. The Chamber of Secrets was something that Dumbledore recognised so to hear that it had apparently been opened again sent a shockwave throughout the school. However, classes were still ongoing, and a Quidditch Match was coming up so it would be something for everyone to look forward to.

It was one of the days where Kalina would be assisting Potions, this day it was Second Years who still weren't particularly the best, but she knew if some assistance they could become great wizards and witches in the potion's world.

That day, the class were creating a Laughing Draught. It was a simple enough concoction to make, to Kalina and Severus anyway but it was Seamus who made Kalina's heart pump rapidly. She quickly rushed over, about to witness the young boy put something in his cauldron, but she grabbed his wrist firmly making him look up, a horrified expression on his face. "W-what?"

"You're going to blow up the whole place if you add that." She scolded him, her voice still soft however to show that she wasn't angry with him, just cautious.

"It will?" He opened his hand once she let his wrist free, looking at the ingredient in his small hands. 

"It will." She confirmed, suggesting over to a small dish for him to put it back and then tapped her wand on his Textbook. "What does it say here?"

Seamus leaned forward, scanning the page that her wand was pointing at and he let out a small 'ah' noise, clicking his tongue.

"Ah indeed." She pulled her wand back and reached over the table, grabbing some spare Horseradish powder in a small flute and handed it over to him.

"Now, is your heat on correctly?" She bent her knees, examining the flame that his cauldron was hovering above, her eyebrow arched as she stood back to her full height, crossing her arms over her chest, her white blouse creasing at the elbows as she does. 

"Yes." Seamus nodded, looking at the flame and then up to Professor Oakblood who maintained her stoic expression. 

"No?" The Irish twang in his accent stood out as she frowned, grabbing his book quickly. "... and apply a high heat."

He looked back and forth from the book and to the cauldron, his cheeks reddening in embarrassment as he slowly reached up to a small tap, twisting it so the flame turned blue. 

"If you're unsure about something, read the books again. Don't always rely on your class notes because I've seen you messing about when Professor Snape has his back turned and not write anything down." She said condescendingly. 

Seamus gulped slightly but quickly nodded his head, smiling innocently at the Professor who smiled back and let him continue his work.

As the class was about to finish, Snape did the quick rounds of checking the student's potions, seeing if they made any progress and surprisingly to him, they had. Seamus didn't have any scorch marks on his face, there was no damaged equipment, no student being a fool and drinking the potions, so they were laughing uncontrollably. It seemed like his first lesson in a while that there were no errors.

"Very well. Class dismissed." He waved his hand in the air, the students instantly dragging their stools out from underneath them and rushing out of his classroom, no dawdling around long enough for Snape to snap.

Satisfied with the lesson, Kalina walked to the corner of the room, the opposite side of where Severus was and grabbed her bag but stopped as she was about to leave the door. Remembering a point from Professor Sprout, Kalina walked up towards his desk which he was now sitting behind, quill in hand and writing vigorously over students' homework. 

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