50 - Hiding the Truth

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A/N I'd just like to say before you venture into this long chapter, at the end of the chapter there are some questions that people have asked me since this story hit 50K READS!!!!! So, i am very grateful for that

Another thing, this chapter was supposed to be like 8000 words longs.... for sane reasons, I have decided to split the other section up into another chapter which may ALSO be uploaded tonight too as an apology for the long wait. So, without further or do.... let's get back to it.


Kalina decided to skip the day of lessons, leaving a notice to all her Herbology students that day that lessons were to be dismissed but will resume as normal the next day. She knew that it was fairly obvious why she made a no-show, shielding her anxiety away by locking herself away in her chambers but she needed time to process everything. She had to process her conversation with Neville and the same goes for what was written in the Daily Prophet for everyone to read. Severus had requested her presence in his chambers that evening for a small drink and possibly more but she denied his offer. The good thing is that he didn't seem disappointed. He just accepted it and moved on with his evening.

If her day couldn't get any worse, her night certainly did.

When she was asleep in her bed, an overwhelming feeling had hit her, making her jolt upright in her bed with beads of sweat dripping down her face. 

Room, pitch black, she rubbed her forehead, catching back her breath. She felt nauseous, like something was wrong with her. Not only that, she was feeling a dangerously sharp pain in her abdomen, back of the head, back, legs and just everywhere. Gasping for air and trying to calm herself down in hopes that she was just having a small discomfort, she slowly noticed a small gap of light from the corner of her bed on her stone floor. Her eyes, just having adjusted to the dark, followed the beam on the floor until her eyes landed on the main door to her room which was open ajar.

She froze and just stared at the door that was open. It had been locked all day, how could it be open?

Grabbing her wand from her bedside table, she whispered 'Lumos Maxima' a large bright light emitting from the tip. She stayed in her bed, even though she knew it'd be better if she could get up but her body was still in pain and quite frankly, she was still frozen solid.

As her eyes scanned the room, nothing looked out of the ordinary aside from something in the corner that the longer she stared at it, the realisation hit her that it was just a coat rack with clothes draped over the hooks.

So, when she did get up eventually and double-checking her room and the halls, she locked the door to her chambers and stared at her door for a moment before shifting one of lounge chairs near the fireplace over towards the door, blocking anyone or anything from getting in.

She thought about going to see Severus but then she had thought maybe it was him? Seeing if she was alright but then again surely he would've locked the door behind him as she slept? So, after about two hours of sitting back on her bed and staring longingly at the door, she had fallen back asleep only to wake up once the light had seeped in again but coming from her windows indicating that morning has come.

Groggily, she sat back up from on top of her covers and tiredly walks her way to the bathroom, locking the door behind her as she gets herself a quick shower to wake herself up since she had barely slept.

Once ready for the gruelling day ahead of her, she moved the chair away from her door and walked out, head held high but not looking a student in the eye as they walked by, clearly wondering where their Professor had gotten to.

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