37 - The Goblet Decides

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The weeks drifted by quicker than Kalina had remembered them doing the first time round. Supposedly, she didn't have to worry about conducting a draught for Petrified students which took up most of her evenings. Nowadays, she would do her lessons, have dinner, go to either Minerva or Severus' chambers and have tea or coffee with them before retiring to sleep after marking all of her students work.

There was an excited atmosphere in the air that evening, not only was it Halloween which meant a delicious feast to be held in the Great Hall but later on that evening the Triwizard competitors will be selected from the Goblet of Fire.

The Great Hall had floating pumpkins above the tables, fake cobwebs scattered in the corner of the room and even the ghosts seemed more active than usual.

Kalina, being slightly too late to the Great Hall, missed her usual place beside Minerva and Severus but she didn't mind sitting beside Hagrid as he always had interesting facts about Magical Creatures which she enjoys listening too.

She was enjoying her chicken pie when a chill ran through her bones and she looked beside her to see Professor Binns occur. "Good evening." He moped, looking down at the empty plate of food in front of him.

"Hello, Professor. Having a good Halloween?" She chimed at him cheerfully, raising her goblet of wine up to her lips and taking a sip.

"Can't enjoy something if you're dead."

Kalina almost choked on her drink at his blunt and dry honesty; complete seriousness in his tone of voice. "Oh right... I suppose so." She said regretfully, putting down her goblet and picking up her knife and fork once more and diving in into some potatoes. She let out a soft hum of satisfaction, nodding her head appreciatively. "These are so good." She comments more to herself than to anyone but Hagrid perked up and agreed with her.

Professor Binns side-eyed her and looked at her plate and then to his own. "What do they taste like?" He asked her plainly.

Kalina savoured the taste before swallowing and looked over to him. "Why don't you try-"

"Try some?" He interrupted her quickly, his eyes wide in hurt and betrayal. Kalina instantly realised her upset and her mouth was left ajar as he slowly hovers backwards, his chair going through his body.

"How could you say something so cruel?" He whispered before disappearing into the wall behind them.

Kalina looked at the wall he sank through and slowly turned her head to Hagrid, seeing a look of upmost amusement on his face as he tries to stile his laugh by popping some Yorkshire Puddings into his large mouth.

"It's not funny." Kalina seethed, her cheeks crimson in embarrassment. She felt awful, of course a ghost couldn't taste anything! She put down her knife and fork losing her appetite and looked around, noticing all the students in excited chatter about the nights upcoming event.

When it came to the deciding of the Goblet of Fire, the magical Goblet remained in the centre of the hall and everyone had gathered around to see the magical event. Kalina, goblet of gin in hand, walked up to the front of the hall where all the teachers were going and stood by Professor Vector and Professor Grubby-Plank. The women made small talk with one another whilst or the students piled in but as she saw Severus walking up the hall, she was instantly drawn to him and stood by his side.

"You excited?" She grinned up at him, tapping her hand against her goblet in eagerness.

"Not in particularly." He said smoothly, glancing down at her beaming face once and then looked away.

"God, you're a miserable sod sometimes Severus." She truthfully told him with a roll of her grass-coloured eyes. "It's exciting! We could have a Triwizard Winner here! At Hogwarts!"

Spiteful Beginnings // Severus Snape x OCWhere stories live. Discover now