16 - Fireplace

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Kalina was making light-talk with Madam Pomfrey, a wonderful and strong-minded Witch who had a remarkable talent for healing those who are sick and injured.

From what Kalina had gathered from the Matron was that she was very strict and like a certain someone, she was a 'no nonsense' kind of woman. Some would argue she was possessive of those she looked after but in reality, it just showed she had a keen sense of knowing what she was doing. However, nothing could have prepared her for the present year.

The two were discussing the draught, Kalina having going into the Greenhouse to keep track and noticed that it was slowly improving. She had spoke with Professor Sprout about it and that evening, went to the Hospital Wing where she knew she'd be having not seen her at dinner or earlier that day.

"In here, quickly!"

The two women looked towards the door of the Hospital Wing, both hearing some voices down the hallway making the two puzzled until they noticed two men, Professor's in other subjects, bring in a boy on a stretcher, Mr Filch trailing behind, a slightly limp in his step.

"Oh my word." Kalina gasped, quickly running with Madam Pomfrey towards the dark-haired boy who had, unfortunately, been Petrified. Kalina stopped at the other side of the hospital bed as she watched the boy be manoeuvred over carefully, his hand right was slight raised in the air, his skin pale. His mouth was partly open, as if someone had surprised or scared him.

Her skin crawled slightly at the sight, after hearing Snape's anecdote about a monster which lied within the Chamber of Secrets, things were sincerely starting to make her weary about her time at Hogwarts.

"Did you see who did it?" Kalina asked, looking up to Mr Filch as he stood by the end of the bed as Madam Pomfrey ran to get her necessary essentials.

"That Potter boy." He spat, full of pure hatred. Kalina would have rolled her eyes having not been in this situation, he was clearly still hurting and still believed that Harry was the cause of all this.

"Did you see him cast a spell?" Kalina pushed on further, her hand carefully resting on the young Hufflepuff's forehead with the back of her hand, his body temperature neutral.

"Well.... No..."

Kalina didn't respond to that, instead, she gave him a look which made him turn on his heel and walk away.

The woman shook her head at his begrudging attitude and look down to the boy, his eyes wide in terror. "Poor kids." She whispered to herself, looking over her shoulder towards Colin, a very young Gryffindor student who was petrified around a month ago now.

Kalina wasn't exactly sure if the parents had been informed but she knew that if this had happened to Sunday, she would march into Hogwarts and sit by her bedside for months and months if she had to.

Minerva came to the Hospital Wing, Albus too and they both sighed upon seeing the poor student as his frozen body lay still on the bed.

"It appears that we have a problem."

"You can say that again, Albus." Minerva replied sarcastically as she looked to the student. "What are we going to do?"

Albus had explained that he had spoken with Harry Potter as he appeared to be there just after the accident happened and he believed that the Second Year Student had nothing to do with any of the attacks.

"For now... we remain calm. Poppy, Kalina and Pomona are still working on the Draught. Nothing more is to be done. We will locate the attacker and go from there." The Wizard explained to Minerva, smiling slightly at Kalina who still maintained her focus on the Hufflepuff student; Justin.

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