27 - A Good Person

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All students must return to all their House dormitories at once. All teachers to the second floor corridor immediately'

Kalina was marking her Herbology work as usual that night when a tannoy played all over the school and Professor McGonagall's voice was sounded throughout. She suspected it to be an urgent matter and stopped what she was doing, grabbed her wand and raced up to the second floor corridor as requested.

She was one of the few stragglers that night when she spotted the crowd of staff since she did have to run all the way from the Dungeons. As she emerged, her heart sank as she saw yet another message written on the wall in a thick layer of blood.

"Her skeleton will lie in the chamber forever..." she read out loud to herself rather in her head, bending over slightly with squinted eyes to inspect the blood closely but she felt a sudden flow of anger as Lockhart came strolling up to the staff, a smile on his stupid, beautiful face.

"So sorry dozed off. What have I missed?" He grinned; his hands tucked behind his back in his salmon coloured suit.

Kalina rolled her eyes that didn't go unnoticed by Minerva who smirked at her idly then looked back to Lockhart once Snape spoke up.

"A girl has been snatched by the monster Lockhart; your moment has come at last." Severus told him, watching Lockhart suddenly become as pale as snow.

"M-my moment?" He stammered. Kalina smirked to herself, keeping her head down low to hide her laughter as Severus and Minerva drill into him.

"Weren't you saying just last night you knew all along where the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets is?" He toyed with him in a dull voice but Minerva had arched her eyebrow at Lockhart, watching as the self-obsessed DADA teacher and author look for a scapegoat to get him out of the mess he brought himself in.

"I..." Lockhart breathes out shakily, slowly looking to Kalina as she crossed her arms over her chest, her long flowing sleeves of her ruby-red blouse draping downwards as she looked to the blood and then to him with a forced smile. "I don't think it really matters anymore."

"Doesn't matter?" Flitwick piped up, instantly agitated by Lockhart's lack of care towards a student who had been taken by something.

"Well, look at the wall! It's covered in human blood. My best bet, as sad as it is to say, is that the student is dead. I can't bring back the dead." Lockhart stated which made Kalina scoff and shake her head.

"It's not human blood." Kalina rolled her eyes, scratching the back of her neck awkwardly as all the teachers turn their attention to her.

"I-it's not?" Lockhart breathed, unsure whether or not he should be glad or not at the news.

She shook her head and stepped closer to the wall, pulling out her glasses as she inspected the blood closely. "I believe it's rooster blood. Hagrid did say something was killing those birds and I don't think it was a Fox. Must have been whoever wrote this." She said, slightly disturbed as she took a few steps back, realising what she had said about it being an animals blood. Then again, it was glad it wasn't human.

"Well that's settled..." Minerva smirked again, "we'll leave you to deal with the monster Gilderoy. Your skills after all are legend."

Lockhart gulped and slowly nodded, smiling with his glistening teeth and took a step back and acted nonchalant and said he would get right back to it and left. Little did Kalina know that would be the last time she would see Lockhart as himself.

The other teaches dispersed after they found out that it was Ginny Weasley, the younger sister of Percy, Fred, George and Ron. She had very little faith in Lockhart but she knew Minerva would have something up her sleeve to save the day since Dumbledore was gone.

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