38 - The Auror

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A/N This is a short chapter, bit of a filler but there is a Q n A at the end of this chap-ter! I recommend reading it as it will give answers to upcoming events too. Enjoy <3

Without knocking, Severus walked into Kalina's chambers even later on that evening. It was almost midnight but he couldn't sleep knowing that she was royally annoyed at him.

As he suspected, Kalina was sat by her desk but her chair was swivelled around, facing the glass-stained window. Kalina knew instantly it was Severus as a young student would have spoken up and other members of staff would have knocked before enter-ing.

"Can I help you?" Kalina's tone of voice was full of irritation and he could see that her toes were slightly curling with every syllable she spoke, clearly getting more angrier by the second.

"No, but I can help you." Severus rolled his eyes and moved towards one of her cup-boards and yanking it open.

Kalina heard him rattling around, her ears perking up and she moved her eyes to try and look over her shoulder without turning her chair around to give him the satisfac-tion.

Then, she heard some clanking of glasses and a small thump on the table behind her. After that, the sound of liquid filling up two glasses.

Slowly, the temptation gave way and she turned around, and had a look of defeat on her face as he filled up two glasses of Gin. "Is this your way of apologising? Making me drink alcohol?" Kalina scowled at Severus who held up a glass and sat in the chair across from her.

"Got your attention, though didn't I?" The small play of a smirk was almost impossible for Kalina to ignore from him but she leaned forwards, picked up the glass of gin and took a swig, Severus doing the same but a disgruntled look appear on his face.

"What's wrong? Don't you like it?"

"Not at all."

"That's what you get for rooting through my stuff then you annoying worm." She snapped quickly, leaning over her desk and swiping the gin away from her, swigging it in one and throwing the glass across the room but instead of smashing, it levitated and fell back into one of her cupboards. She had learned to put on a levitation spell since Severus decided to smash her things two years ago.

Severus watched her, slightly nervous as she leans further back into her chair, prop-ping her feet up on the desk with one arm folded over her chest. "Now, what is it you want to actually say?"
Severus sighed heavily. "Listen, Kalina, Potter has to compete."

"Well, he bloody shouldn't." She mumbled bitterly, still finding it hard to forgive him for persuading Albus to let the young boy compete. "Those tasks are designed to test the older students. Talents way beyond a fourth year student."

"You sound just like Alastor."

"Please don't." Kalina said with a grumble in her voice. She'd hate to be even remotely put into the same category as that man. Famous Auror or not, he was a pain in her arse.

Severus sensed her hostility towards Alastor, something he wanted to mention but decided it against it for the time being. "I can't explain to you why I am allowing Potter to compete but just trust me..."

Kalina bit on her lip, hard. She eyed up Severus who had a serious gleam in his eye and she let out a huge puff of breath and nodded. "Alright. But I swear Severus..." She sat up and leaned across her desk. "If I find out you put his name into that Goblet," she warned him, a sinister look in her eye as her face nears his, "I will cut off your dick and feed it to Hagrid's Blast-Ended Skrewts!" She pulled back just as soon as her nose brushed against his own and stood up.

Spiteful Beginnings // Severus Snape x OCWhere stories live. Discover now