31- Phoenix Tears

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Severus wasted no time in transporting Kalina, under Dumbledore's orders, to his own chambers as it would raise great concern from the children as to what happened last night. Quite frankly, she didn't want Potter, Weasley or Granger in knowing what she was and what she was doing there that night. In fact, this could completely change Neville's opinion on whether or not he wanted to live with her.


Once Kalina was in his chambers, the familiar scent of spices and herbs flaring up her nostrils as he gently but slightly forcefully gestured her to sit on his bed.

"Will you relax?" She winced as she sat down, the mattress springing slightly, "I'm alright. It's just a scratch." It wasn't just a scratch at all however, she had large gashes along her back and she currently has a hole in her collarbone that was seeping blood if she leaned forward, marking his stone floors.

"A scratch? Look at the state of you." Severus snapped at her, rummaging through his potions to come out with the best anecdote to help her with the pain at least. His voice was slightly harsh and agitated but the more he thought about Sirius escaping on Hogwarts ground boiled his blood even more.

Kalina didn't take notice of his bad temper, she could almost see the vein in his head popping from the side.

"Where's that damn bird?" Severus paced, seeming more scared for her than she was about herself.

"Do you not have anything?" Kalina asked, slightly apprehensive to see what his answer would be but his cold eyes looked to her, seeing her hand pressed firmly to her collarbone, small trickles of blood seeping over her fingers.

Severus pulled out a small potion from his shelf and handed it over to her, she didn't waste no time in consuming it but whatever it was had made her insides warm and stinging sensation she was feeling had subsided for the time being.

"Give me your wand." Severus ordered, his hand laid out flat but she shook her head.

"I don't have it with me..."

"What do you mean you don't have it with you?" Snape's brows furrowed in frustration. He was sick of seeing her shirt all torn up in front of him, her skin that was once as pristine as a ceramic doll was now bruised and bloody.

"I mean that I don't have it with me?" She said as if it was obvious, her eyes rolling slightly, "Where's your wand?"

Severus didn't want to tell her that he had lost it and left it behind after being attacked by a thirteen year old boy in the Shrieking Shack and therefore dismissed the question.

Kalina noticed this and almost burst out laughing. "You lost it?"

"Well you don't exactly have yours either." Snape snapped.

"I broke mine..." Kalina muttered, her reason for not having a wand not being too great either.

"What? How?"

Severus heard her say something under her breath which made him inch closer, making sure he hadn't misheard her. "What was that?"

"I sat on it..." Her voice was timid and her cheeks heated up in embarrassment.

Severus would have been amused if the situation they were in was different but instead he sighed loudly and ran a hand through his hair, his forehead beading with sweat from the action.

Kalina looked down at her hand and noticed that the bleeding had soon stopped. The wound wasn't as bad as it had appeared, she was just worried that she may have had some bark now stuck inside her skin.

The pair waited in silence, Kalina on his bed waiting for Fawkes to appear but the Phoenix hadn't and Severus had had enough of waiting.

"Take off your shirt."

Spiteful Beginnings // Severus Snape x OCWhere stories live. Discover now