29 - A New Addition

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Regrettably, Kalina had decided to write to Severus that year. She would write a letter twice a week to him, just telling her about her day, how she was and then asked how he was. After she didn't receive any information back, most people would have left it at that... she didn't. She kept writing. She didn't know why she did, she just fell into a routine where she'd write down her day from her waking up to what she saw out of the bedroom window, from what film she had watched or an interesting Muggle fact he wouldn't even care about and would put it in writing and send it to him. Still, she never heard anything back.

She did this for a few months.

Then, she stopped. She had learnt that although he had undoubtedly made her fall for him, he didn't want her. He only saw Lily and that's what she grew from. She wasn't going to sit and wait for someone who didn't want her per se, just the ideology of that she had the same traits as someone else. Someone dead.

To move away from the topic of Severus not writing her back and him not wanting her where she fell into a void of self-pity blah blah blah, she had gone back to reading Muggle books. Her favourite at that moment was Sense and Sensibility, believing that Colonel Brandon sounded like a dream.

Whenever she was invested in a book. She would always be found in weird reading positions. Today, she was laying on the stairs... upside down in her pyjamas.

As she flipped the page over she heard a loud hooting noise from outside.

This occurred a lot more than usual. Daily, she would hear an owl outside her house but as she went to look, the owl had vanished. She caught a glimpse of it once as it caught flight but that was it.

She frowned slightly and slowly closed her book, tilting her head to the side as she stared at her front door that was now upside down. The door itself was a standard brown-oak colour but had two slits of privacy glass. She had expected someone to come and knock after hearing her front gate shut but nothing occurred. She rolled her eyes, thinking she was imagining things but as she was about to reopen her book, another hooting noise sounded from outside. She placed her hands backwards onto the stairs and pushed herself into a backwards roll down the stairs and astoundingly landed on her feet. She opened the front door, apprehensive, but there wasn't anyone there. Instead, it was an owl; it wasn't the one she had seen before, however.

As she looked at the grey-haired barn owl, she noticed that in its talons it was holding a letter. Her eyes widened and she looked around, not seeing anybody walking past and quickly hurried down the garden path over to the owl that sat on the fence that separated her house from the outside world.

"Hey..." She said softly, not wanting to frighten the bird as she slowly reached down for the letter, not wanting for the bird to peck at her hands as she tried to retrieve the letter that was presumably for her. The bird cooed softly and nestled it's small head against her hand as she held it out, showing no indication that it was to harm her as she grabbed the letter and flipped it over, reading the front. Her heart hammered as she noticed that it came from Hogwarts, almost making her giggle in excitement. She shooed the bird away after feeding it some seeds from her failed bird-bath that she was set up in her front garden, hoping some type of wildlife would fly by and made her way into her house.

In an instant she ripped the sealed enveloped open and began reading. Of course, she somewhat wanted it to be from Severus, just to see how he was but it wasn't. It was from Albus himself, however. The more she read, the more her heart started to murmur and the frown lines had become apparent on her forehead. "What...?" She asked herself.

She jumped onto her couch but froze as she heard a loud snap from underneath her. Her eyes scrunched up tightly closed and she winced, praying it wasn't what she thought it was. She moved her hand away from the letter and under her bum and then felt it. She pulled it out and whimpered in despair as her wand had snapped in half. "Fucking fantastic." She grunted, leaning forward and placing it onto the coffee table but her mind quickly turned back to the letter and read it out loud:

Spiteful Beginnings // Severus Snape x OCWhere stories live. Discover now