11 - Parseltongue

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Kalina kept her head down when she walked into the hall where Lockhart would be demonstrating spells for Defence Against the Dark Arts as she didn't want to indulge herself into a conversation with him straight away.

She would have usually been in Potions but as Professor Snape was asked to help him in said demonstrations, Lockhart also though tit would be good to see her come along.

When she did walk in, she notice the odd glare from Snape as their eye lines connected only partly, Kalina walking to the centre of the room to give herself some distance.

The students piled in one by one, some in small clusters but it was hard not to notice the incessant squealing and giggling of the female students as they eyes up their DADA professor from across the room.

Kalina wasn't blind aside from the fact she needed glasses to read things up closely but she knew why Lockhart caused a frenzy when he appeared in front of women. He was incredibly handsome and charming but Kalina managed to see past the façade sometimes and found him arrogant. He was kind, sure, but he did love one thing and that was himself.

"Gather round! Gather round." Lockhart steps up onto a large platform, positioning him up higher than the students and herself as he strode into the centre, gaining the students attention.

"Can everyone see me? Can you all hear me?" He said aloud, his extravagant and flashy looking robe that was draped over one shoulder flopping flawlessly with every step he took, the girls swooning at the sight of him being so close to them.

Kalina stood by one of the columns, staying away from the obsessive young teenaged girls and miserable looking young boys.

She did have an understanding about the teenage girls because she knew for a fact that at around their age she had a keen obsession for the guitarist Keith Richards in the 70's. She still fancies him now.

She had her arms crossed over her chest, her back slumped slightly against the stone pillar and took a shy look to Professor Snape, his brooding self at the other end of the room, his arms tucked behind his back as he waited for instructions from the insufferable DADA teacher. Glancing away before Snape could catch her looking at him, she played it off nonchalantly, her lips slightly pouted as if she was mindlessly humming to herself and inspecting the stained glass windows above them.

"Excellent." He smirked to himself as he made a stop and doing a quick spin on his heel, slowly pacing the floor once again, looking at his students below him, "in light of the dark events of recent weeks, Professor Dumbledore has granted me permission to start this duelling club to train you all up..."

"Oy Vey." Kalina mumbled to herself silently at the fact Lockhart, a hopeless case, was going to try a bunch of children how to rebound dangerous spells.

She blinked once when she noticed something flying towards her head, her hands reaching out and grabbing onto his robe he had detached from his person and thrown it in her direction as if it was an honour to hold it.

She pulled her lips into a straight line and looked up to Lockhart who winked at her before explaining more details to the class but she couldn't help but notice the female students eyeing up his robe in her hand like it was a piece of meat and they were lions.

She rolled her eyes and passed it to one of the girls and wiping the palms of her hands against her legs idly before focusing on the class.

"Let me introduce my assistant, Professor Snape." Lockhart extends him arm, the student leaning forward to peer at the black-eyed professor.

He emerges, his hands dropping to his sides as he walks towards Professor Lockhart, an unfazed look on his face as Lockhart tries to be vain about how skilful he was and that the students should not worry about Professor Snape being too vulnerable.

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