24 - The Dark Mark

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Severus stayed more than Kalina would have thought he had. Having said that, she didn't believe he would come at all. Both of them were sat on her couch in the living room, Kalina bringing the rest of the whine he brought and the fire-whisky she had to save her doing trips to and from the Kitchen.

The pair of them had watched another movie, this time it was Jaws. She had a whole wall of DVD collections and told him to pick one out, he pulled out a pile as he would with books and told her to rate them on a scale of 1-3 on how much she liked the film. Jaws was a 1, so he picked it.

She spent the majority of watching that film behind a cushion. Her father had made her watch it when she was younger and it terrified her and wouldn't go in the sea for a whole four years. Something about man-eating Sharks didn't sit right with her but of course, he found it fascinating.

Once the film had finished, she turned the TV off completely and decided to just turn the stereo on louder so there was a decent amount of background noise and she could tell her wasn't much of a musical lover which was a shame since she loved listening to all types of music. Supposedly, he would have been more used to music in the Wizarding World as the band Wham! Didn't exactly tickle his fancy.

Kalina had propped her arm up on the large couch pads, both of them facing one another as they both nursed a glass of liquor in their hands. She was certainly feeling the impact of the alcohol and she could tell her was as he was being much more talkative and dare she say, funny?

"I like your laugh." She didn't mean to be so upfront about it but that's the magical power of spirits she guessed; it makes you bring out what you want to say even if you don't want to say it.

Severus took a sip of his whisky, amused at how effortlessly the words had left her lips. "You do?" He almost smirked which made her laugh and nod her head.

"Yes... it's nice to hear." She hummed, her eyes closing briefly as she tried to maintain her state of mind and not to say anything foolish although truthful again because, well, it was a nice laugh. It was low and slightly husky but it rang well in her ears, like music itself.

Severus stared at her momentarily, unsure what to say but instead poured her another glass of wine, seeing that her glass was almost empty. "You're interesting, Kalina. It is okay if I call you that, isn't it?" He asked her.

She sipped her wine and placed the glass on the floor carefully, wrapping her arms around herself as she got come comfortable. "You spent Christmas with my family. I think you can call me Kalina instead of Professor Oakblood... Severus."

He copied her actions and placed his whisky on the floor and rolled up the sleeves to his black shirt causally. Kalina also noted that night that he was actually wearing something different. He was wearing a plain black shirt which didn't have buttons that rose all the way from the top to the bottom. His pants and shoes were the same but that was all. She even noticed that he had his first two buttons at the top of his shirt undone for a more natural look since he wasn't aware if all her family were Muggles or not.

"But, interesting? How?"

He strummed his fingers against his thigh and shrugged his shoulders coyly. "Just are. You're much different to other Witches. You're also, dare I say it, very talented in the field you work in."

Was he flirting? What's happening? Her mind raced with millions of questions and thoughts so much so she forgotten how to speak. Her cheeks had tinted a slight pink colour and she glanced away from him, sucking in her cheek to try and suppress the beam of a smile that was threatening to spill on her face. "T-that means a lot, coming from you..." She admitted, Severus noticing how shy she got. It seemed not a lot of people, adults that is, complimented her on her skills.

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