20 - Obliviate

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A day or two had passed and she still hadn't heard from Snape about the offer she had made. She wouldn't usually be bothered but for some reason, she longed for an answer. After all, she had learned that he typically spent his Christmases at Hogwarts due to the lack of family he has so a part of her wanted to come over so he could have a change for once. Of course they weren't family or even remotely very close friends but she had been starting to think about him often.

It was weird really. She had come to Hogwarts to teach a subject she loved but was then also introduced as an assistant to Snape where they had a very rocky start. Now, she had often thought about him in her chambers. Not deep romantic thoughts, she in no way shape or mind had a 'crush' so to speak on the Potions Master but she did worry sometimes. It seemed that the man never had much sleep because even at night he was always fully dressed in his usual attire. He never showed any signs that he had just woken up nor had he been asleep in the first place.

His personality also troubled her. She wanted to know what had hurt him so bad or even who had hurt him so bad that he ended up the way he did. He was cruel to his students when she wasn't around so she liked to think her presence relaxed the students more and also relaxed him as he had an extra pair of eyes to watch over students. Not only was he cruel to his students, he was often rude to other members of staff but she had learned to deal with it by making a remark back to him which often shocked him but she would see the small glint of curiousness in his eyes.

When she did have that... erm... dream about Snape, she did start to think differently of him which was unexplainable to her. To her, it was just a mere fantasy for one night. It wasn't uncommon either. Even in her teenage years she would dream these kind of things about people after spending a lot of time with them so it wasn't unusual to her. She supposed it may have been unusual due to the spiteful beginnings they had at the start but she sense a soft spot in him. Maybe that's why she was inclined in wanting to be his friend.

It didn't help however that she liked the smell of him, a lot. She wasn't a whisky drinker nor was she a smoker (anymore) but his scent lingered whenever he was around. Some may have thought it to be off putting but not to her. She was tired of being around women at Beauxbatons who smelt of freshly cut grass and drops of Lavender.

It was the evening time and she had just showered and dried her hair. It was till slightly moist but she wanted it to dry naturally for a change.

She was dressed in her pyjamas, red silk shorts and top with a fuzzy and warm dressing gown draped around her body. She found her chambers to be rather warm when she slept which is why she swapped her pants around into something breezier on the leg.

Her mind was indulged in a book all about Animagus', wanting to become one herself. However, she learned that the process will be a long and daunting task since one of the instructions is to hold a Mandrake leaf in her mouth for a whole month. She had tasted Mandrake leaves before and they are much to be desired.

Settling the book down, she glanced to the large clock on her wall which read '9:17pm'. She hummed to herself and walked over to her desk from her bed and opened up one of the drawers, looking for something to do rather than read the book but her eyes landed on the black bottle that Lockhart had made for her.

She strummed her fingers along the side, analysing the tag closely as she thought about whether or not to drink it.

She stands up and grabs a cup from a cupboard and pulled the cork off but at that time, a light knock hit at the door.

She stared up as Snape stepped inside without her answering with a pile of books in his hand. "I don't suppose you could double-check these for me?"

Spiteful Beginnings // Severus Snape x OCWhere stories live. Discover now