12 - Drunk Men and Drunk Honesty

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Kalina stared at herself in the long mirror, the soft palms of her hands caress against the soft fabric of her jean pants opposed to the faux-leather ones she usually wore. Staring at the long mirror in her chambers, she tilted her head to the side as she rolled the sleeves of her blouse up and down, undecided on how to wear it.

Self-consciously, she turns to the side and lays her hand on her stomach inspecting the small weight gain she had gathered over the last few weeks or so. Those feasts every day were a godsend but also a curse. "Bloody 'ell." She winged to herself, rolling her eyes for a second as she noticed the slight bump on her stomach.

She turned straight on and tilted her head to the side, deciding to just go with what she was wearing, tired of picking out outfits for the last hour or so.

She brushed out the soft curls of her hair with her fingers, pushing it slightly back for a more 'relaxed' look and grabbed her jacket and scarf before leaving the castle. She glanced down at her watch that she had secured on her wrist, a present she was gifted by her Muggle mother and father. Black and silver.

She made her way to the Three Broomsticks fairly quickly, having walked faster than usual as the evening time were starting to get much chillier so it made her quicken her pace which wasn't too bad considering she had long legs and took long strides.

She stopped outside, briefly listening to the loud chatter and blazing noise of cheerful piano music. "Here goes nothing." She grumbled to herself as she pushed on the large wooden door, stepping inside.

The pub was heated with light and noise, witches, wizards and goblins sat either in booths, around tables or even stood by the bar with their tankards and wine glasses.

She slid her scarf off, bunching it together in her hands as she looked for a familiar head of blonde and healthy hair and sure enough, she spotted him.... well, heard him.

"Kalina! Kali! Over here!" She turned on her heel to the constant shout of slurred words coming from the corner of the pub. Her face grew red as her name was shouted above all the noise and music, some folk turning to look at the commotion as they watched her walk straight towards the man.

Kalina approached Lockhart, her eyes wide to see his hair wild and crazy from his hands being constantly pulled through, his eyes were sparkling with intoxication and his smile was lazy. "You came!" He cheered, standing up and holding out his arms towards her as if to embrace her.

She was taken aback by his fondness but didn't seem the harm of her resting her hands on him and giving him a quick hug as you would if you were to see a friend or, in this case, colleague.  She pulled away but gasped slightly as his lips planted on her cheek, sloppy and wet. "Oh my..." She blushed as he pulled away, laughing to himself as he pulled himself back onto the barstool, resting his elbow on the wooden surface and poised himself up correctly.

"Did you not think I would come?" She questioned him, placing her jacket on the seat of the stool, sitting on top of it and also putting her beige coloured scarf on the table, careful not to get it soaked by the beer that had made the table rather sticky.

"It's just that I've been here for hours is all." He slurred, raising his beer to his lips, the foam resting upon his upper lip as he drank.

She paused for a moment and raise an eyebrow and looked down at her watch. "You said seven? It's only five past now?" Perplexed, she watched the man chuckle slightly, almost choking on his drink in the process.

"Oh I know. It's just that I've been here since half five to make sure you'd be here." He hiccupped, using the back of his hand to dab away at his foam covered lips.

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