15 - Bat Tongues

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Kalina woke up, her eyelids fluttering open to the sight of light shining down on her face. She groaned, rolling onto her stomach and buried her head into the pillow, letting her body slowly readjust. She blinked a few times, swatting away the sleep that had built up in the corner of her eyes overnight. She goes to scratch her leg then squints as her fingertips are met with the material of her pants and not her silk pyjamas that she usually wore. She was also unsure how she had managed to sleep on top of her duvet other than matter.

She sat up, pushing herself up with her arms and keeping them to maintain her hold and looked down at herself, seeing her dressed in yesterday's attire.

"What the..." She looked around confused, not sure how she had managed to get to bed but still sleep in her clothes. Then, it dawned on her that she must have fallen asleep at her desk. However, she didn't recall waking up and climbing into bed herself.

All she remembered was eating the last bit of apple tart deliciousness before her whole body fell into a deep slumber. It was the most she had rested in a while.

She pinned it down to her sleep-walking, something she had done in the past on many occasions. Apparently when she was seven years old, she had walked outside of her home, sleeping, and sat on top of the car bonnet according to her father. She didn't believe him at first as she woke up in her bed but then it happened again where she woke up asleep on the dining room table.

She looked at the clock on her wall, seeing that it was only half ten in the morning. She had missed breakfast with the staff but as it was only Sunday, everyone usually slept in, especially the students.

She pulled herself out of bed, her socks touching against the hard floor as she trudged to her bathroom, discarding her blouse, bra, pants and underwear with every step she took until she fell into the warm embrace of hot running water, pouring down on her nude self.

She lathered the soap into her skin, dolloped a small amount of shampoo and conditioner into her hands and worked it into her scalp and ends of her hair, washing herself off before she stepped out. She grabbed a towel from the rack and dried herself off, using a much smaller towel to wrap around her hair, keeping her wet hair off her bareback as she picked out some casual clothes for that day. Pulling out some blue jeans and a black over-sized jumper that ran down to her knees, she put on some new underwear, quickly removing the clothes she had on the floor into the washing basket and got dressed.

She performed a quick spell on her hair, instantly drying it and tied it up into a messy bun on the top of her head. She picked up a banana and a handful of grapes from a fruit bowl and sat behind her desk and prepared to carry on the rest of the marking so she could finish it all come afternoon.

She peels her banana and takes a bite, her other hand now moving to wear she believed the books would be only to see that they were gone and instantly, her heart started to thunder against her chest. She put her banana down and pushed outwards on her chair, looking under and over the desk for the missing books. She nearly turned her room upside down and as she performed an accio spell, she was met with nothing.

"I'm dead. I'm so dead." She grimaced, holding onto the back of her neck with both of her hands.

Last night when Snape had delivered her food, although he didn't seem too thrilled to be in her company, she noticed that he tired to make amends. Somehow.

Now, at least twenty of his students work was missing and she didn't know what to do. She couldn't have misplaced them, surely? She felt sick to the stomach as she paced back and forth, just realising that she had to be honest with him.

She slid on a pair of trainers, converse to be exact. They were an off-white colour from being worn too much but it was the only pair of causal shoes she really wore aside from her large boots that she wears for teaching.

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