23 - His Name

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Introducing Severus to her family was a challenge and a half. The women, her cousins, were trying to act causal once he entered the Kitchen where they were sat previously playing poker but due to the alcohol in their system, it was a disaster.

"Uh, guys," she got their attention as she cleared her throat standing by the doorway, allowing enough room to let Severus in. She didn't abandon him completely as it may have made him uncomfortable. To be fair, leaving him to do his own thing rather than introduce her to her family would have been less embarrassing, "this is..." she half looked to him, wondering if she was allowed to say his name but he gave her a short nod as signal to her, "Professor Severus Snape... we work together."

Pauline had noticed that Kalina was playing with the hem of her dress idly, her cheeks still slightly pink which she knows that Kalina would blame for just being outside.

"Pleasure to meet you. I'm Michael, Kalina's young father."

God, please take me away Kalina grimaced at her fathers introduction as he stood to his feet, walking around the table with haste to shake the much taller man's hand.

"Pleasure." Severus nodded to the man, noticing that he had large thick eyebrows which were slightly wild from being unkept.

"T-this is my mother, Julia." Kalina introduced her mother for her who looked up, smacking her cracked lips together as her name was mentioned.

"What's me?" Her mum croaked out, squinting her eyes as she raised her hand which held a molecule on a golden chain to see what was going on.

"My colleague is here mother." Kalina said slightly louder than usual, Severus taking note that her mother was hard or hearing and seeing by the looks of it.

"Oh lovely. Is he handsome?"

Kalina changed the topic IMMEDIATELY at that point as she started to introduce her cousins who were giggling to themselves all aside from Max who had the most bored expression on his face.

"Hello Severus, I'm Jessica." Jessica had waved rather enthusiastically at Severus as she sat beside her sister Kaja who also waved but decided to leave out her name as she was still giving the man a curious look.

Then, then there was Hannah. "Evening Severus, would you like a glass of marriage?"

Kalina prayed to whatever there was for the ground to swallow her up. She closed her eyes tightly and Severus noticed that she slightly banged her head against he wall as she leaned back. He was confused by her question.


"Wine!" Hannah shouted over him as she realised what she just said, running towards the fridge to see what she could hide; that and to hide her face in shame.

"She's recently divorced." Kalina said through gritted teeth, keeping her voice quiet and giving him an apologetic look.

Severus dismissed the unusual family greeting, only finding Paulina, Max and Jessica to be the most normal. And that was saying something.

"I got you this. Will it suffice?"

Kalina looked at Severus' hands as he produced her a bottle of something red. The writing was squiggly and in black ink on a white label but it was nothing she could understand but Jessica understood completely and had snatched it out of his grasp and muttered a 'thank you' as she reached for her glass to pour herself someone.

Sighing heavily, she scratched the back of her neck and suggested to him to sit down and he did, picking a spot between Kalina and her cousin Max who looked like he was going to pas out to sleep at any given second.

Spiteful Beginnings // Severus Snape x OCWhere stories live. Discover now