CHAPTER 39 [+ A/n]

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January 3rd 1978

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January 3rd 1978

The day went by like any other normal day. Angelica went to classes, had lunch in the great hall, hang out with James and his friends and hang out with friends of her own. Angelica listened as the group of people that she cared for laughed at each other's jokes. She felt a safe arm wrapped around her waisted, that arm being James’. But as Angelica sat there her mind was still holding onto the memories of the accident on the train.

“Baby, you okay?” James whispered to the redhead, Angelica blinked twice, pulling herself away from the thoughts in her head at the sound of her boyfriend's voice. She but a fake smile on her face before saying:

“Yeah, I’m okay.” 

James gave her a questionable look, raising his eyebrow at her. He looked into her eyes to see if she was lying or not but stopped when Sirius yelled:

“Hey! Lovebirds! Break it up will you? Save that lovey dovey shit for when we’re not around.”

James had forgotten what he was doing and joined back into the conversation with his friends. To stop herself from zoning out again, trying to stay away from the horrible memories, Angelica started up a conversation with Remus who sat on her right reading about Magical Creatures. Remus told her stories about the Christmas break, about how Sirius actually locked Peter in Dumbledore's office and landed himself in detention, about how the three Marauders who had stayed at Hogwarts would sneak into Hogsmeade at night to go to the three broomsticks. Angelica also shared a few stories about what happened at the wedding. 

"No, really! I thought James would be a terrible dancer, I mean he did stand on my feet a couple times but other than that he was like Danny Zuko." Angelica laughed, Remus smiled. 

"He acts like him too." Remus rolled his eyes playfully. "Not anymore though, he's more like Danny Zuko at the end of the movie after he gets the girl." He added on, pointing at the redhead. 

"Who got a girl?" Sirius cut into the twos conversation. Both Angelica and Remus rolled their eyes and laughed at the boy in leather. 

"No one you nosey ass." Remus said. Sirius huffed and crossed his arms over his chest. 

"Ya, well as least my ass is hot." He mumbled, turning back to James and Peter. 

Angelica was about to go back to talking with Remus when she saw a formally brown haired Gryffindor walking over to them. It was Alice and she was being followed by Lily, Marlene and Emmeline, some of her other Gryffindor friends. 

"Hey, hello, sorry we need to steal Angie for a moment." Alice said, grabbing the redhead's arm, pulling her away from the boys. Confused, Angelica followed. 

"What's going on?" Angelica asked. 

"Nothing." Lily told her.

"We just wanted to hang out with you," Emmeline explained, "and that was the only way we could think of." She said, honestly. Marlene nodded in agreement. Angelica smiled, shaking her head.

"You could have just asked." She laughed. Marlene laughed nervously, rubbing the back of neck.

"Yeah, no, we didn't think about that."

[A/n- Surprise! I'm not dead😂🥳
Sorry I haven't posted in a while and sorry that this chapter is very short.

Buuuutttt I was gone for what, a week? And I come back 7K VIEWS?! OMG THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH💕 almost 8k views. I really appreciate you guys reading my story, it means a lot to me💕❤🤧

I hope you have a lovely rest of you morning/afternoon/night.

Goodbye children]

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