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September 9th 1977

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September 9th 1977

It had been a week since Angelica's first Herbology class of the year and in those seven days her and James grew closer and closer. The red hair walked down the halls, her floating beside her as she had used a spell to make it float. She wore her Ravenclaw uniform, her hair tied up in a messy, loose bun that hung at the back of her neck. She had her book bag hanging on her shoulder, her wand in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other. Last night she was up downing her head girl rounds, making sure no one was out of their dorms, sadly something came up and she didn't get a lot of sleep. When Angelica finally made it to class she saw James leaning back in his chair, his feet on the table, as he twirled his wand in his fingers.

"Morning James." She said, tiredly as she took her seat next to him. James frowned at the girl.

"You okay? You look tired." James asked. Angelica nodded.

"I was doing my rounds last night and something came up. I didn't get a lot of sleep last night." Angelica told him. He nodded. The boy looked as if he was going to say something but was cut off by Professor Sprout greeting the class.

"Good Morning class." Professor Sprout started, "Now, if all of you remembered, today you will be giving me back your 'Cucurbita Viventem' plants and records of their growth rate. Can you do that now please." Groups started going up and giving back their plants and records while Angelica just sat there looking at her plant.

"Goodbye Mr Pumpkin." Angelica frowned.

"Mr Pumpkin?" James questioned.

"I named him when you had History of Magic on Friday." Angelica told him simply. "I don't want to leave him, he's like my child."

"Hey, look on the bright side. At least he's going to Professor Sprout, the best person to look after him, and not like some git like Malfoy." James said, trying to comfort the girl who sat next to him.

"Yeah I guess you're right." Angelica said, getting out of her seat and taking Mr Pumpkin over to Professor Sprout, James following behind her holding their records. When the two sat down they heard the sounds of people whispering from behind them.

"Oh look! The little mudblood's crying over some dumb plant." Malfoy said to his so-called 'friends'. James' eyes widened at that word that came from Malfoy's mouth. His head snapped over to the blonde boy that sat behind them.

"You slimy little git!" James yelled, the whole class stopping to look at him, "You have no right to call her that filthy word. She's a better witch than you'll ever be a wizard. So stop being a stuck-up, whiny, son of a bi-"

"Mr Potter! That is enough!" Professor sprout yelled, "Sit back down. Mr Malfoy! Come with me to the headmaster's office. We do not use that type of language in my class." Lucius Malfoy rolled his eyes, grabbing his books, standing up from his seat and walked out with Professor Sprout.

"Thank you James," Angelica smiled shyly at him, "you didn't have to stand up for me like that." She added, looking down at her hands. James' face filled with shock.

"Of course I needed to." James said, taking both of her hands into his, making the redhead blush and look up at him. "Just because you have muggle parents doesn't mean you're any different then anyone at this school. Bloody hell you're smarter than everyone in our year and you're the kindest girl I know." James told her. Angelica hadn't even realized that she had tears in her eyes until James whipped away one the fall down her check, slowly.

"Thank you James, really. I don't think anyone's ever stood up for me like that." As some as Angelica said those words the bell rang.

"Charms right?" James said. Angelica nodded, giggling a little.

"Come on, let's go."


"James!" Remus called out to his friend. The seeker turned around at the sound of his friend's voice.

"You keep going, I'll see you in class." James said to Angelica who nodded and smiled, waving goodbye to the two boys.

"Way to go mate. Standing up for her like that." Remus congratulated him. A smile grew on James' face.

"Thanks Moony." He replied.

"Keep doing stuff like that and she'll fall for you soon enough."

"But what if she doesn't? What if she only sees me as a friend?" James questioned.

"James, you need to stop worrying so much." Remus told him, "I saw the way she looked at you when you stood up for her, that wasn't just a look of friendship."


"No 'but's, now let's get to class."

Meanwhile, while James and Remus talked in the hallway, Angelica kept waking to her next class, trying to keep up with Alice on the way.

"So, what's going on with you and Potter?" Alice asked as Angelica slowed down next to her. Angelica looked at her confused.

"What do you mean?" The redhead asked.

"Well it's obvious that you like him. You keep spending time with him and I'm 99% sure that he likes you back." Alice told her, making Angelica's face glow red with blush.

"I-i don't know what you're talking about." Angelica stuttered. Alice rolled her eyes.

"Oh come on Angie! It's obvious that you like him. I see the way you two look at each other."

"That doesn't mean anything-"

"Yes it does! That's how I knew Frank liked me!"

"Well I'm not you, Alice. I'm sure that he only sees me as a friend anyway."

"Oh my Gryffindor! No he doesn't! Angelica, sweetheart, my best friend, I love you but you are so dumb sometimes. The way James stood up for you, he doesn't just do that for anyone. He did that because he cares about you, more than anyone at the moment-"

"Yeah but doesn't he have a thing for Lily Evans or something?" Angelica asked, cutting Alice off from her speech. Alice sighed, running a hand through her brown hair.

"No, not anymore at least. I haven't even seen him talk to her this year. Do you know why?" Alice questioned. Angelica shook her head and mumbled a 'no'. "Because he's fallen for you, Angelica."

"You're just trying to get my hopes up," Angelica said, looking down. "I don't need another relationship ending badly again." She added, remembering the boy she used to date for a while in 4th year.

"Angelica, listen to me. James is not Chad. Okay? He's not going to treat you the way that he did." Alice tried to reassure her friend, giving her a sad smile. Angelica tried to return the smile but couldn't bring herself to do so.

"Let's just get to class."

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