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September 25th 1977

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September 25th 1977

Angelica sat next to James' unconscious body in the hospital wing. Her eyes were red and puffy, her cheeks had tear stains running down her face, her hair was done up in a messy bun and she had bags under her eyes from the lack of sleep she was getting. She sat next to James as he laid there peacefully, his chest rising and falling softly as it took every breath. She held his hand in hero's fearing that if she let go he'd disappear. Angelica had tried not to leave James' sit, but there are moments when she was forced to by Alice or Remus, even Sirius. She went to some classes, but didn't pay much attention. She went to the Great Hall for Breakfast and Dinner, her dorm mates trying to get her to end more food then what she was eating. It's was quite in the Hospital Wing, Angelica didn't even hear the footsteps of someone walking over to her. 

"Angie?" Alice's soft voice spoke. Angelica snapped her head to look at her. "How you feeling, sweetheart?" Alice asked, taking a seat next to Angelica. She just shrugged, resting her head on Alice's shoulder. "He still hasn't woken up yet?" 

"No." Angelica whispered, not taking her eyes off James. Her voice was soft and dry from the lack of communication she'd done all day. 

"A letter came for you today," Alice told Angelica, "It's from your brother." 

"My brother?" Alice nodded handing her the letter.

My dear sister Angelica,

How are you feeling? Alice sent a letter telling us what happened to that James kid. Is he alright? I have some news, good and bad. 

The good news is, I'm getting married! That's right, your big brother finally did it. Thank God Emilia said yes. 

But the bad news is, dad's gotten sick. He's getting worse and worse everyday. The doctors don't know what it is, but they're doing everything they can do to help him get better, I promise. Mum's sent a letter to your headmaster asking if it's alright for you to come and see him. That's all Dad wants, is to see you. He misses his baby girl. His exact words by the way. 

I hope that your headmaster will let you come visit. I also hope that every there gets better. I miss you dearly. 

Your big brother, Alexander Rogers

Angelica dropped the letter in her lap, covering her mouth with her hand. Tears started to well up in her eyes again. 

"Oh Angie, I'm so sorry about your father." Alice said, pulling her into a hug. Angelica didn't know what to do, she just sat there and cried into Alice's shoulder. 

"You have nothing to be sorry for Alice," Angelica said, just above a whisper, "you didn't do anything."

"Is there anything I can do to make you feel better? Would you like me to get you some ice cream from the kitchen?" Angelica gave Alice a sad smile as she nodded her head. 

"That would be nice." Alice nodded, quickly saying a goodbye before heading to the kitchens. Angelica turned back and looked at James, taking his hand gently into hers again. The more she sat there worrying about him, made her realize more that Alice was right. She did like James. He'd always made her smile, always was there at the perfect time to save her from stupid gits. 

'Merlin's beard, Alice was right.' She thought to herself. The longer she looked at James, the more memories of him filled her brain. But, the more it made her miss hearing his sweet laugh, his beautiful hazel eyes, his smile. She tried to snap herself out of her own thoughts, but failed miserably. Alice came back not too long after with ice cream. Once she'd finished the ice cream Remus, Sirius and Peter came to check in on both Angelica and James to see if everything was okay. Madam Pomfrey didn't even try to tell Angelica to leave because she knew that she would only sneak back in later. As it got later into the night, Angelica started to slowly drift off into a deep sleep.


That next morning, before the sun even came up, Angelica felt her hand being squeezed. Her eyes opened in a hurry as she looked down at her hand. She saw James' hand move in hers. She quickly looked over at James' bed and saw his sleepy hazel eyes looking at her. Angelica's jaw dropped and eyes widened as tears started to fill them again.

"James?" She breathed in disbelief, before a smile grew on her face as she launched herself at him, pulling him into a hug. "Oh thank Merlin, you're okay." Angelica whispered into James' neck. His arms wrapped around her waist as he returned the hug. 

"Hello Love." James said, his voice sounding weak and tired. "How long was I out for?" He asked. 

"A week." Angelica told him, pulling away from their hug. 

"And what exactly happened again?"

"You get hit by a bludger in the back. You fell off your broom and you were pretty high off the ground." 

"At least I'm okay now." James said, giving her a smile. "What time is it?"

"Two in the morning, I think." Angelica replied.

"And does Madam Pomfrey know you're here?" Angelica nodded at James' question. 

"I missed you so much. You had me so worried. I didn't know if you were going to be okay-" Angelica got cut off by James putting his finger to her lips.

"There's no need to stress anymore love, I'm okay." James told her, "You look tired love, when did you last get any sleep?" Angelica just shrugged. James smiled sadly at her. "Here, come sleep up here." James told her moving over a little some she could lay down next to him. She looked hesitant at first but nodded, crawling over to him. She laid down next to James, facing his hazel eyes. She felt his arms slowly wrap around her waist, making her feel safe. "Go to sleep love, I promise I'm okay." James whispered to her. She nodded, slowly closing her eyes and falling into a deep sleep.

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