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September 14th 1977

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September 14th 1977

A bright ball of orange light slowly raised into the sky that morning. Angelica laid in her bed trying to hide from the sunlight and it crept into her dorm room, the room filled with light. The redhead sighed as she knew that she wasn't going to get anymore sleep, so she threw off the blankets that once covered her face. Angelica sat up in her bed and looked around her dorm room. She seemed to be the only one there.

"They must already be at breakfast." She said to herself. Climbing, slowly, out of bed. As soon as her feet hit the cold wooden floor, she felt a rash of chills run up her body. Angelica walked over to the dresser and grabbed some nice and warm clothes as she knew that she'd get cold at the Quidditch match. Once she's had a shower, gotten dressed, brushed her hair and put on very little make-up she finally went down to the great hall for breakfast.

"So that's the girl Potter's moved on to." Angelica heard a voice say as she walked inside the great hall. Angelica knew that voice. She turned her head and saw Lily Evans sitting with her friend Marlene Mckinnon.

"I feel sorry for the poor thing." She heard Marlene speak.

"But, Potter's meant to have a thing for me."

"Lily, I love you dearly but you've been rejecting him since 2nd year, let the guy move on." Another voice, the voice of Angelica's potions partner, Emmeline said. Angelica heard Evans sigh as she walked away.

"What did she mean, 'moved on to'?' Angelica thought, 'Maybe Alice was right, maybe James does like me... but what if he doesn't. I can't get my hope up over a guy, no again. Not what after Chad was like-" Angelica's thoughts were interrupted by a tap on her shoulder. She quickly snapped her head around to see who it was.

"Oh Alice, Frank, it's only you." She sighed, placing a hand over her heart. "You scared me for a moment." Alice smiled sadly.

"Sorry about that." Frank said, "We were about to head down to the game, James told us that you were coming and we wanted to know if you wanted to walk with us." He asked as she finished her piece of toast. Angelica nodded.

"Sure, I'll come with you guys." She said, standing up from her seat. Frank and Alice both smiled.

"Great, lets go." The three of them started making their way down to the Quidditch pitch, a soft, cold wind hitting them in the family once they stepped foot outside.

"Alice," Angelica started, Alice turned and looked at her friend. "This morning I heard Lily Evans say something about James moving on to me and I don't know what she meant."

"Oh she's just jealous that James doesn't actually like her." Alice told her.

"Yeah but James never actually liked Evans, he only liked the idea of her." Frank joined in, "You however Angie, you've gotten James to fall head over heels in love with you." Angelica blushed at what Frank was telling her.

"Really?" She asked. Frank nodded.

"Are you forgetting that I'm also his dorm mate? Sometimes I hear him talking about you to Remus at night."

"Angie I've told you time and time again, James likes you, you're just to blind to see it."

"To blind to see what?" The group heard another voice. They all turned around to see Remus walk up to them.

"Don't worry about it Remus, it's nothing." Angelica told him. He looked confused, but nodded not questioning it. The four of them found a place in the stands and not even five minutes later the game had started. Angelica saw James sitting on his broom. He was wearing his glasses, his Gryffindor Quidditch robes and he was looking around for the golden snitch.

As the game played on, Angelica felt like she was slowly understanding the rules of the game. Gryffindor was winning by 10 points and Slytherin was not happy about it. People in the stands cheered as James' eyes landed on the golden snitch. He zoomed after it and his broom, the Slytherin Seeker not far behind him.

"Go James!" Angelica cheered alongside all of her friends. She watched hopeful as James flew higher and higher in the sky, trying to get the golden flying ball.

"He's got it! James Potter has the golden snitch! Gryffindor wins!" Everyone, but Slytherin's, cheered and clapped loudly. James sat in the middle of pitch, still high in the air, holding the snitch in his hand showing it off to the crowd. As everyone clapped and cheered nobody saw a bludger flying over to James.

"James! Look out!" Angelica and Remus yelled, hoping that he would hear the two of them. James looked at them confused, but it was too late. The bludger hit James in the back, making him fall off his broom. Angelica's eyes widened as her hand flew to her mouth in shock. She felt someone grab her arm and pull her away. Remus pulled Angelica down the stairs in a hurry, a worried Alice and Frank following behind them. One they made it back to the ground, they ran over to where James' laid on the ground, the Gryffindor team circled around him. Angelica saw Sirius kneeling down next to James. Her eyes filled with tears once she saw the sight in front of her.

"No, no, no, no, no." She mumbled as she ran over to James' side. Angelica falling to her knees next to Sirius, grabbing James' hand and holding it tight.

"Everybody out of the way!" McGonagall yelled as herself and other staff members ran over. "Mr Black, Mr Lupin, would you carry the poor boy to the hospital wing." She asked, the two boys nodded. Angelica watched as Sirius and Remus carried James away, tears flooding from her eyes. Alice fell down on her knees next to Angelica, pulling her best friend into a hug.

"Shhh, shhh, it's alright, he's alright, he's okay." Alice whispered, trying to calm the crying redhead in front of her. Angelica shook her head.

"No, no, he's not." 

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