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September 1st 1971

A girl with red hair stood in front of platform nine and ten. Her eyes looked nervously over at the wall, her palms become sweaty. The young girl looked no older than eleven as she stood there with her trolley and bags. Her parents stood behind her, her older brother by their side. The redhead turned and gave her parents a shy smile. Her father returned one.

"It's okay darling." He told her, kneeling down to her height, "Remember what the nice man said? Just run straight in between the platform and the train will be on the other side." He reminded her, his soft blue eyes looking over the frame of his glasses. The girl nodded.

"We're so proud of you Angelica." The redhead's mother spoke up. "Don't forget to write to us and please try not to get hurt." Her mother said. Angelica smiled and nodded.

"If anyone's making fun of you, write to me and I'll show them not to-" Angelica's brother got cut off as his mother hit him over the back of the head. She glared down at him, anger filled her eyes.

"Alexander! We do not threaten people in our family." She told him. She turned back to her daughter and gave her a heart warming smile. "But seriously Angie, if someone is bullying you, you tell use right away, got it?"

"Yes Mama." Angelica replied, her voice soft and smooth like honey. Her father looked down at the watch on his wrist.

"You should get going darling, the train is going to leave soon." He told her, looking down at her with sad eyes. Angelica nodded, hugging her father.

"I love you dad. See you at Christmas." Angelica said, moving a strand of hair out of her face. "I love you too mama." Angelica hugged the blonde woman in front of her. Her mother had tears in her eyes.

"I love you too sweetheart, now go before more water works come." She said. Angelica nodded, giving her brother a quick hug and saying goodbye. She turned back to the wall, taking a deep breath. She closed her eyes and started pushing her trolley forward as she moved faster and faster. Angelica felt chills ran down her back. The redhead slowly opened her eyes. She saw kids her age and older saying goodbye to their parents. There was a big, old, cinnamon red train parked at the station.

"Wow." She mumbled in disbelief. She walked over to the train, grabbing her stuff. Once she had everything on the train she made her way to find a seat. The red head made her way down the small hallway of the train, waving her way through other students. She sighed.

"I'm never going to find a compartment." She mumbled under her breath. She kept looking, moving hair out of her face. She smiled to herself as she finally found a compartment. Inside sat a young boy around her age. He had sandy brown hair, scars on his face and he was reading a book. Angelica knocked on the compartment door and opened it slowly. The young boy looked up from his book and over at Angelica.

"Is it alright if I sit in here?" She asked, moving some hair behind her ear, "Everywhere else is filled." The young boy smiled and nodded. She smiled back, taking a seat across from her.

"I'm Remus Lupin." The boy told her, holding out his hand for Angelica to shack.

"I'm Angelica Rogers, it's nice to meet you Remus." She replied, shaking his hand. Remus closed his book and put it to the side. The two children started to get to know each other. When the clock hit 11 o'clock the train started to move. The train's wheels moved faster and faster as it left the station.

"Is it alright if we sit here?" a voice asked. Both Angelica and Remus turned their heads. In the doorway of their compartment stood two boys, both with black hair. One had longer hair than the other, grey eyes and pale skin while the other boy wore glasses on his face, had hazel brown eyes and had slightly tan skin. Angelica could see Remus nod out of the corner of her eye.

"Of course." She said. The two boys smiled, taking a seat. The boy with glasses sat next to Angelica, while the other sat next to Remus.

"I'm James Potter." The boy with glasses said.

"Angelica Rogers." She replied. "Who's your friend?" She asked, looking from James to the other boy she didn't know the name of.

"The name Sirius Black." he told her, a smirk on his face.

Both Remus and Angelica got to know the two new boys. They talked and talked the whole way to Hogwarts. Angelica sighed and smiled softly as she looked out the window.

"Hogwarts here we come."

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