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November 21st 1977

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November 21st 1977

"Angie." A voice whispered. The redhead girl sat in Charms with her head down on the table. "Angie." The voice whispered again, lightly tapping her shoulder.

"What?" She asked tiredly, moving her head from her arms.

"You feel asleep." Alice told her, "class is over." She added.

"What class do we have now?" Angelica yawned, cleaning up her books and putting them away in her bag.

"Potions." Alice told her simply. The redhead nodded. "Are you okay?" Alice questioned, worried for her friend.

"Yeah, just stayed up late studying." Angelica replied. "I did get some sleep tho... at breakfast."

"Did you miss breakfast?"

"Well yes... and no." Angelica said, "I went down to the great hall and then may have fallen asleep at the table." Alice sighed, shaking her head as the two girls walked out of the classroom.

"Angie, you can't keep doing that! You need to sleep." Alice told her. Angelica nodded as a yawn left her lips. "Studying wasn't the only thing you were doing, was it?" Angelica shook her head.

"I'm freaking out about family life." Angelica explained.

"Why are you freaking out about it? Come on, talk to mama." Alice asked.

"Because Alex doesn't have a lot of money for his wedding and they found out that Charlotte is pregnant so that's just making everything harder. The wedding is around Christmas and Charlotte asked me to be the maid of honor so I have to help plan the wedding, her dress, the food, if it's at the beach, if it's at the-" Angelica started to explain. She didn't even know that her heart was racing, her hands started to shake and the words started to fall out of her mouth faster than anyone could understand.

"Angie! Breath. Deep breaths." Alice said grabbing the redhead by the shoulders, looking her dead in the eyes. "It's all going to be-"

"Don't you dare finish those sentences! Everything is not okay! I have NEWTS I need to study for, a wedding to plan that isn't even mine and I'm head girl so that puts more weight on my shoulders."

"Maybe you should sit down." Alice said trying to get the panicking girl to sit down.

"No, no, we'll be late for class."

"No Angelica sit down. You need to take a break." Alice said, "And we are not going anywhere until you calm down." The two girls sat down next to the wall. You could tell, by the way Angelica hands were shaking and how her blue eyes looked as if they were about to cry, that she was panicked. You just won't know what about. That was worried James as he walked around the corner with Remus as they headed to class. With only sharing a look, both boys ran over to the two girls.

"What's going on here?" Remus asked as he knelt down in front of Alice.

"She's stressed." Alice explained. "With NEWTS, being head girl, her brother's wedding. It's just a lot for her." She added. James was kneeling down in front of the redhead who had her head in her hands. He tried to get her to calm down and it looked to be working.

"How much sleep did you get last night, Angie?" James asked her when she started calming down. The lump in her throat made it feel like the words wouldn't leave her mouth. She raised her hand, showing him a '2' with her fingers, making him frown. "You guys got to class, I'll take her to her common room." James told them.

"Are you sure James? I can take her." Alice asked. James nodded.

"Yeah, I'm sure. Just make sure Slughorn doesn't give me anymore detention because I'm not in class." He laughed. Remus and Alice nodded before making their way to class, knowing fair well that they were late.

"You alright now?" James asked the redhead. She slowly nodded, not sure with her answer. "Okay. Let's get you to bed, Love." James said, giving her a heart warming smile. He helped Angelica stand to her feet and grab her bag. "Piggyback ride?" Angelica nodded, standing behind James before hopping on his back.

"Thanks James." She mumbled, placing her head on his shoulder. James smiled, grabbing her hand that hung in front of him and gave it a light kiss.

"No problem, darling." James replied. The rest of the walk to the Ravenclaw common room was quiet. Nobody was in the halls, everyone being in class. James carried Angelica up the stairs in no time.

"You live in a one story house made entirely of redwood. What color would the stairs be?" The door asked.

"There are no stairs, it's a one story house." Angelica answered making the door swing open. The two made their way inside before Angelica hopped off of James back.

"You should get some sleep." James told her, nodding his head over to the stairs. Angelica nodded. Before James saw going to say goodbye, Angelica started to speak.

"Could you, um stay?" She asked.

"St-stay here? While you're asleep?" James questioned, Angelica nodded in response. "Okay, if that's what you want. How am I going to get up the stairs though?" James asked.


"While in the Gryffindor common room, the boys aren't allowed up the girls stairs." James explained.

"It's not like that here." Angelica told him, James nodded as his lips formed into an 'oh' shape. She grabbed his hand and led him up to her dorm, James being taken away from the beauty of the common room. She and James laid down on her bed, Angelica's head resting on top of James' chest as she listened to his heart beat.

"Go to sleep Love, you need to rest." James told her, placing a light kiss on the crown of her head, making blush start to dust over her checks. "I'll be here when you wake up." Angelica nodded, yawning softly.

"Thank you James."

"Anything for you Love."

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