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November 5th 1977

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November 5th 1977

Angelica sat next to Remus in the library as they quietly worked on homework together. The bright sun was hiding behind dark clouds as it looked for a storm to start soon. You could hear the giggles of first years as they tried to 'study' at their tables. Angelica smiled as Remus looked down at his Care of Magical Creatures work in confusion.

"How did you-? What...? Remind me why I actually took this class?" Remus asked, looking over at the redhead. Angelica rolled her eyes and laughed.

"Because you had a crush on a girl in that class." Angelica reminded him. Remus smiled, elbowing her in the arm.

"I did not!" He whispered, yelled at her.

"Did too! And know from the sounds of it you have a crush on don't one, two people." Angelica said, smirking at the Gryffindor. Remus' face dropped and blush started to dust his checks.

"I don't know what you're talking about..." Remus replied, hiding his face in his hands. "I don't like anyone." Remus told her, making Angie roll her eyes.

"Oh come on Remmy. I know about your crush on Emmeline, I see the way you look at her in potions." Angelica told him, he started to slowly move his face from his hands. "But I also see the way you look at Sirius in the Great Hall."

"That doesn't mean that I fancy them." Remus replied, "Plus, neither of them would want to date me and you know why." Remus told her as he knew that she knew about his 'furry little problem'. "Look, Angie, can we just drop it please?" Remus asked. Angelica nodded.

"Just know that if either of them ever did date you they'd do it because they love and care for you. You're not a monster Remus." Angelica told him, placing a hand on his shoulder. Remus gave the redhead a sad smile, mumbling a 'thanks' under his breath.

"Sirius doesn't remember you." Remus told her, "James and I saw you sitting alone at the Ravenclaw table a couple of weeks ago, after what happened with your dad. James said that he felt bad for you and then Sirius was really confused because he didn't know who we were talking about. We tried reminding him that you two met on the train in 1st year, but he couldn't put two and two together." Remus explained. Angelica gasped dramatically, placing a hand over her heart.

"Oh how could he?!" She asked dramatically, "I feel so heart broken, how could he do this to me." She fake cried. Remus laughed, shaking his head before looking back down at his work. Angelica was about to start working again but stopped when she saw two people she never thought she'd see in the library and they were with her new 1st year friend, Lance. "Oh my wizard god, is that James Potter and Sirius Black in the library?" She asked in disbelief. Remus quickly looked up from his work only to see his two friends.

"Oh Merlin, what are they doing here?" Remus questioned. As Sirius and James talked to each other at another table the little 1st year, Lance, looked around the big library. Lance's face lit up when his eyes landed on the redhead girl as he waved happily at her. She smiled and waved back. He quickly looked in between James and Sirius before looking back over at the table Angelica and Remus sat at. Without another thought, Lance jumped from his seat, running over to the Head Girl.

"Angie!" Lance said, happily as he hugged the redhead.

"Hello Lance, what are you doing here?" She asked.

"Well James and his friend asked if I wanted to help plan a prank against the Slytherins that were making fun of me but it looks like they're having too much fun planning together, I'm just kind of hanging around." Lance told her, the words leaving his mouth faster and faster as he talked. Angelica sighed, running a hand down her face.

"Hey, you said I was allowed too." James voice joined in, "And you can't really get mad because technically I'm only planning the prank, Sirius is the one actually doing it." James told her, nodding over to Sirius who stood next to him.

"Oh so you're Angelica Rogers." Sirius mumbled, thinking that the redhead couldn't hear him. Angelica looked over at Remus who mouthed an, 'I told you.'.

"I'm not going to stop you but if you get in trouble don't think i'm going to help get you out of it." Angelica told him, James smirked and nodded.

"Come on boys, it's planning time." James said before moon walking back to the table they used to sit at. Angelica and Remus laughed as he also ran into a teacher.

"You're gonna regret telling him he could do that." Remus told her. Angelica sighed, looking over at Remus.

"I know."

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